Topic: The first step to self-knowledge is rejection of the familiar. Essay: Self knowledge is the knowledge about one's own self.It can be a person's desires, belief or liking. The first step towards knowing one's own self, in other words self-knowledge, is to accustom one self to change.Change can be brought in only by rejecting the know, that is the familiar, and to try the unknown. For instance, there are a few people who are an experts in tasting food. These connoisseurs are experts because they try and taste new food and reject tasting the same food again. Thus gaining self knowledge of taste which makes them experts. This rejecting the familiar(known food) is the first step these people take in order to gain self knowledge(knowledge of taste). Another instance, suppose a school if a boy changes his section. To make new friends, he needs to move along with the unknown to learn the self knowledge of developing new relationship. Instead, if he limits himself to a set of people in the class who are familiar to him then he loses to expand his circle of friends. Even here the first step that he has to put forward is to reject the know friends to sit with the unknown. For a holistic development most people join Universities and prefer hostels. Hostels are sociable places where you meet new people of different kinds. For this a person need to reject his home(familiar ones and place) and prefer to choose an unfamiliar place. This is the stepping to stone for moving forward into new face of life. Even her rejection of the familiar to self-knowledge is the primary step. Thus, first step to self-knowledge is to jettison the known in any form. As the ancient saying goes " Change is the Unchangeable". To Urge this change in ones life to gain self-knowledge we need to make ourselves to be know to unfamiliar. To make ourselves known to the unfamiliar, we need to first reject the familiar. Word Count : 323