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Posted by Anonymous on Mon 16th Mar 2015 23:21
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  1. $ sudo sh
  2. Verifying archive integrity... All good.
  3. Uncompressing VirtualBox 4.3.24 Guest Additions for Linux............
  4. VirtualBox Guest Additions installer
  5. You appear to have a version of the VBoxGuestAdditions software
  6. on your system which was installed from a different source or using a
  7. different type of installer.  If you installed it from a package from your
  8. Linux distribution or if it is a default part of the system then we strongly
  9. recommend that you cancel this installation and remove it properly before
  10. installing this version.  If this is simply an older or a damaged
  11. installation you may safely proceed.
  13. Do you wish to continue anyway? [yes or no]
  14. no
  16. Cancelling installation.

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