### rtorrent configuration file. # Point to a directory where rTorrent will save the torrent files. You # may also use relative paths if you want different session # directories depending on where you execute rtorrent. # # session = ./session # No time to understand this shit properly at this point, so hence: # TODO: Understand this shit properly. directory = ~/Downloads/torrents/ session = ~/Downloads/torrents/session/ # Watch a directory for new torrents, restart torrents that have been # copied back and stop those that have been deleted. schedule = watch_directory,10,10,load_start=~/Download/torrents/watch/*.torrent schedule = tied_directory,10,10,start_tied= schedule = untied_directory,10,10,close_untied= # rTorrent should try to use UDP trackers use_udp_trackers = yes # Check hash for completed torrents check_hash = yes # Enable DHT as needed dht = auto dht_port = 6881 # Enable peer exchange peer_exchange = yes # Encryption encryption = allow_incoming,try_outgoing,enable_retry ### Speed MGMT # Global upload/download rate in KiB. 0 for unlimited. upload_rate = 30