Topic: As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate; Essay: With the advent of technology humans have relied always on technology for their day to day activities. This reliance is positive reliance rather than a negative one as pointed out by the statement given. From the dawn to dust technology eases our lives and gives space for us to live in. Technology indeed helps us to solve problems quicker than a normal human being but considering it to deteriorate on our thinking is a calumny. For example, to perform accounting we use the help of computers that help us to do the perfunctory efforts of grouping and sorting without the knowledge of data being analysed, meanwhile we can start to think of different ways of extracting rightful informations rather than wasting time on arduous calculations. Another example, We use cars to drive on roads and use virtual maps to locate our destination. If we were not to use the virtual maps to drive cars we would either spend unwanted time in getting lost or we have to keep stopping to ask for the route to reach our destinations. Instead now we can use the technology to reduce time and spend useful time in other things. Technology gives us an upper hand on thinking. Our thinking is bolstered by technology. The big bang theory experiment cannot have been performed with the technology used to bombard the protons and the electrons. If technology was not present we would have rather submitted a theoretical calculations rather than an experimental evidence. Technology betokens most proofs that are invincible for humans to study upon. Technology cajoles our thinking and helps us to buttress most theoretical axioms helping us to prove them by evidence. It enriches our natural capacity and makes us realize our potential and also burgeons our thinking rather than deteriorating it. Thus, technology evinces the ability of humans to think for ourselves and reliance on technology is a boon rather than a bane. Word Count: 323