We need an official Tor discussion forum. I didn't see this issue mentioned in Roger's *latest* notes post, so for now, mature adults should visit and post at one or both of these unofficial tor discussion forums, these tinyurl's will take you to: ** HackBB: http://www.tinyurl.com/hackbbonion ** Onion Forum 2.0 http://www.tinyurl.com/onionforum2 Each tinyurl link will take you to a hidden service discussion forum. Tor is required to visit these links, even though they appear to be on the open web, they will lead you to .onion sites. I know the Tor developers can do better, but how many years are we to wait? Caution: some topics may be disturbing. You should be eighteen years or older. I recommend you disable images in your browser when viewing these two forums[1] and only enabling them if you are posting a message, but still be careful! Disable javascript and cookies, too. If you prefer to visit the hidden services directly, bypassing the tinyurl service: HackBB: (directly) http://clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion/ Onion Forum 2.0: (directly) http://65bgvta7yos3sce5.onion/ The tinyurl links are provided as a simple means of memorizing the hidden services via a link shortening service (tinyurl.com). [1]: Because any content can be posted! Think 4chan, for example. onionforum2 doesn't appear to be heavily moderated so be aware and take precautions.