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Posted by Anonymous on Sun 23rd Aug 2015 15:15
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  1. ┌───| ~ ](me@main)[/bin/bash][18:12:50].43.[j:0]► [0]
  2. └─▪ kdenlive
  3. kdenlive(27109)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Error: standard icon theme "oxygen" not found!
  5. kdenlive(27109) MainWindow::parseProfiles: RESULTING MLT PATH:  "/usr/share/mlt/profiles/"
  6. No LADSPA plugins were found!
  8. Check your LADSPA_PATH environment variable.
  9. kdenlive(27109) RecMonitor::RecMonitor: /////// BUILDING MONITOR, ID:  79691893
  10. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  11. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  12. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  13. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  14. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  15. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  16. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  17. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  18. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  19. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  20. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  21. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  22. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  23. QWidget::setMaximumSize: (/QToolButton) Negative sizes (2,-2) are not possible
  24. kdenlive(27109) KXMLGUIClient::loadStandardsXmlFile: ui/ui_standards.rc not found in ("/home/me/.kde/share/config/", "/etc/kde4/", "/usr/share/kde4/config/")
  25. kdenlive(27109) MainWindow::loadPlugins: Parsing plugin folder:  "/usr/lib/kde4/"
  26. kdenlive(27109) MainWindow::loadPlugins: Found plugin:  ""
  27. kdenlive(27109) MainWindow::addToMenu: // ADD to MENU ("Countdown", "Noise")
  28. kdenlive(27109) KdenliveDoc::setProfilePath: Kdenlive document, init timecode from path:  "atsc_720p_30" ,   30
  29. kdenlive(27109) TrackView::slotAddProjectTrack: *************  ADD DOC TRACK  4 , DURATION:  0
  30. kdenlive(27109) TrackView::slotAddProjectTrack: *************  ADD DOC TRACK  3 , DURATION:  0
  31. kdenlive(27109) TrackView::slotAddProjectTrack: *************  ADD DOC TRACK  2 , DURATION:  0
  32. kdenlive(27109) TrackView::slotAddProjectTrack: *************  ADD DOC TRACK  1 , DURATION:  0
  33. kdenlive(27109) TrackView::slotAddProjectTrack: *************  ADD DOC TRACK  0 , DURATION:  0
  34. kdenlive(27109) TrackView::parseDocument: ///////////  TOTAL PROJECT DURATION:  1
  35. kdenlive(27109) Render::resetProfile: reset to same profile, nothing to do
  36. kdenlive(27109) Render::checkMaxThreads: // MLT threads updated to:  10
  37. kdenlive(27109) Render::setSceneList: // NEW SCENE LIST DURATION SET TO:  2
  38. kdenlive(27109) MainWindow::connectDocument: ///////////////////   CONNECTING DOC TO PROJECT VIEW ////////////////
  39. kdenlive(27109): No ksycoca4 database available!
  41. kdenlive(27109): No ksycoca4 database available!
  43. kdenlive(27109): couldn't create slave: "Cannot talk to klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files"
  44. kdenlive(27109): couldn't create slave: "Cannot talk to klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files"

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