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Lies About LoganSperman2, Steve Sedlar, and Others
Posted by SteveSedlar on Sun 24th Jul 2011 03:41
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  1. While the perverts, pedophiles, spammers, racists, and other EncyclopediaDramatica copycats spread lies about kids like LoganSperman2, Steve Sedlar, and many others, here are a few quotations in regards to them:
  4. Lying is like alcoholism. You are always recovering.
  5. - Steven Soderbergh
  7. A half truth is a whole lie.  
  8. - Yiddish Proverb
  10. False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.
  11. - Plato
  13. If you wish to strengthen a lie, mix a little truth in with it.
  14. - Zohar
  16. Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.
  17. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
  19. Lying and stealing are next door neighbors.
  20. -Arabic Proverb

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