- Tails Linux version 1.0 released: a Debian-based distribution known for its strong privacy features and pre-configured for anonymous web browsing
- After nearly five years of development, Tails[1], a Debian-based distribution known for its strong privacy features and pre-configured for anonymous web browsing, has reached version 1.0: "Tails, The Amnesic Incognito Live System, version 1.0, is out. Version 1.0 is often an important milestone that denotes the maturity of a free software project. The first public version of what would become Tails was released on June 23 2009, when it was called Amnesia. That was almost five years ago.
- Tails 1.0 marks the 36th stable release since then. Since then we have been working on the many features we think are essential both in terms of security and usability: USB installer; automatic upgrades; persistence; support for Tor bridges and other special Tor configuration; MAC address spoofing; extensive and translated documentation." Read the rest of the release announcement[2] for a full changelog and a note on future plans. Download[3] from here[4]: tails-i386-1.0.iso (909MB, torrent[5]).
- - http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=08413
- [1] http://distrowatch.com/tails
- [2] https://tails.boum.org/news/version_1.0/index.en.html
- [3] https://tails.boum.org/download/index.en.html
- [4] http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/tails/stable/tails-i386-1.0/tails-i386-1.0.iso
- [5] https://tails.boum.org/torrents/files/tails-i386-1.0.torrent
Tails Linux version 1.0 released: a Debian-based distribution known for its strong privacy features and pre-configured for anonymous web browsing After nearly five years of development, Tails[1], a Debian-based distribution known for its strong privacy f
Posted by Anonymous on Thu 1st May 2014 15:56
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