- -- SethHack V4
- -- Coded by Seth - seth@smartseth.co.uk - www.seth.im - www.sxz.be
- if(not CLIENT) then return; end
- print("SethHack V4.3 Loaded!");
- local gjreerhrtjhgerg=1;
- local gjregerhrterge=1;
- local gjregergghtry=1;
- local gjregerrthg=1;
- local gjrerthrgerg=1;
- local gjrerthgerg=1;
- local gjrerthrtgerg=1;
- local gjregtrhtrherg=1;
- local gjrerthrthgerg=1;
- local gjregtrhrtherg=1;
- local gjregeerghtrg=1;
- local gjretrhrtjuykgerg=1;
- local gjreulitugerg=1;
- local gjregwefgtheerg=1;
- local gjregqfrtjerg=1;
- local gjregeqwfjterg=1;
- local gjregerg=1;
- local gjrtrehtuykegerg=1;
- local gjrwefghteegerg=1;
- local gjrwefgehtregerg=1;
- local gjrwgreyrjegerg=1;
- local shsv = _G.SH_SETCVAR;
- local shsn = _G.SH_SETNAME;
- local shpc = _G.SH_PURECC;
- local shlr = _G.SH_LUARUN;
- local shss = _G.SH_SETSPEED;
- local shcn = _G.SH_COMMANDNUMBER;
- local shid = _G.SH_ISDORMANT;
- local shmv = _G.SH_MODVER;
- local shrf = _G.SH_READFILE;
- local shwf = _G.SH_WRITEFILE;
- local shsl = _G.SH_SUPPRESSIPLOGS;
- local shrs = _G.SH_RUNSCRIPTS;
- local shrr = _G.SH_REGREAD;
- local shrw = _G.SH_REGWRITE;
- local hl2gp = _G.SH_hl2_ucmd_getprediction;
- local hl2si = _G.SH_hl2_shotmanip;
- _G.hl2_ucmd_getprediction, _G.hl2_shotmanip = nil;
- _G.SH_hl2_ucmd_getprediction, _G.SH_hl2_shotmanip = nil;
- include("includes/init.lua");
- include("includes/extensions/table.lua");
- include("includes/extensions/string.lua");
- include("includes/extensions/math.lua");
- include("derma/derma_utils.lua");
- require("datastream");
- local g = table.Copy(_G);
- local r = table.Copy(_R);
- local d = table.Copy(_G);
- g.SH_SETCVAR = shsv;
- g.SH_SETNAME = shsn;
- g.SH_PURECC = shpc;
- g.SH_LUARUN = shlr;
- g.SH_SETSPEED = shss;
- g.SH_ISDORMANT = shid;
- g.SH_MODVER = shmv;
- g.SH_READFILE = shrf;
- g.SH_WRITEFILE = shwf;
- g.SH_RUNSCRIPTS = shrs;
- g.SH_REGREAD = shrr;
- g.SH_REGWRITE = shrw;
- g.SH_hl2_ucmd_getprediction = hl2gp;
- g.SH_hl2_shotmanip = hl2si;
- local me = nil;
- local g_ents = {};
- local g_players = {};
- local SH = {
- vars = {},
- cmds = {},
- hooks = {},
- binds = {},
- funcs = {},
- data = {},
- custe = {},
- tvars = {},
- cvars = {},
- badfiles = {},
- traitors = {},
- admins = {},
- spect = {},
- aimmodels = {},
- aimfriends = {},
- aimteams = {},
- teamlist = {},
- configs = {},
- blockccs = {},
- fnlogs = {},
- fnblock = {},
- CP = nil
- };
- local menu = { aimtab = {} };
- SH.cvars = {
- {"sh_enabled", 1}, -- Hack should load
- {"sh_panicmode", 0}, -- Panicmode (hooks don't run)
- {"sh_logging_console", 0}, -- Log functions
- {"sh_logging_file", 1}, -- Log functions
- {"sh_blockrcc", 0}, -- Block RunConsoleCommand/:ConCommand()
- {"sh_wallhack", 1}, -- Self explanatory
- {"sh_wallhack_dist", 4092}, -- Max distance to see players
- {"sh_wireframe", 1}, -- Wireframe wallhack
- {"sh_solids", 0}, -- Solid chams
- {"sh_esp", 1}, -- Self explanatory
- {"sh_esp_showdist", 0}, -- Show player's distance on ESP
- {"sh_esp_dist", 4092}, -- Max distance to see players
- {"sh_esp_font", "DefaultFixedDropShadow"}, -- ESP Font
- {"sh_esp_showgangs", 1}, -- Show gangwars gangs
- {"sh_esp_col_r", 255}, -- ESP Color - Red
- {"sh_esp_col_g", 0}, -- ESP Color - Green
- {"sh_esp_col_b", 0}, -- ESP Color - Blue
- {"sh_esp_col_a", 255}, -- ESP Color - Alpha
- {"sh_lasereyes", 1}, -- Laser eye traces
- {"sh_lasersights", 1}, -- Lser sight traces
- {"sh_showadmins", 1}, -- Show admin list
- {"sh_showdruggy", 1}, -- Show PERP drug info
- {"sh_speedhack_speed", 2.5}, -- Speed of the speedhack
- {"sh_targettraitors", 0}, -- Only target traitors
- {"sh_ignoretraitors", 0}, -- Ignore traitors if you're a traitor
- {"sh_ignoreadmins", 0}, -- Ignore admins
- {"sh_targetplayers", 1}, -- Target players
- {"sh_targetnpcs", 1}, -- Target NPCs
- {"sh_targetents", 0}, -- Target ESP Ents
- {"sh_ignorefriends", 0}, -- Ignore friends
- {"sh_ignorenowep", 0}, -- Ignore players with no weapon
- {"sh_dclos", 0}, -- Don't check LOS
- {"sh_targetbones", 0}, -- Target bones
- {"sh_aimbone", "Head"}, -- Bone to target when sh_targetbones = 1
- {"sh_aimoffset_vert", 0}, -- Vertical aim offset
- {"sh_aimoffset_hoz", 0}, -- Horizontal aim offset
- {"sh_friendisenemy", 0}, -- Friends list is enemy list
- {"sh_teamisenemy", 0}, -- Teams list is enemy list
- {"sh_ulxungag", 0}, -- Bypass ulx gag
- {"sh_fov", 0}, -- Zoooooom
- {"sh_bhop", 0}, -- Bunnyhopping?
- {"sh_friendlyfire", 1}, -- Target teammates
- {"sh_nospread", 1}, -- Nospread
- {"sh_maxfov", 180}, -- Max FOV
- {"sh_antisnap", 0}, -- Antisnap
- {"sh_antisnapspeed", 2}, -- Antisnap speed
- {"sh_triggerbot", 1}, -- Triggerbot
- {"sh_triggerbot_as", 0}, -- Triggerbot always shoot
- {"sh_autoreload", 1}, -- Automatically reload weapon
- {"sh_thirdperson", 0}, -- Thirdperson view
- {"sh_thirdperson_dist", 10}, -- Default thirdperson distance
- {"sh_disablecalcview", 0}, -- Stop calcview override
- {"sh_norecoil", 1}, -- Norecoil for guns
- {"sh_namechange", 0}, -- Namechanger
- {"sh_updateversion", 0}, -- Version of the update (for changelog)
- {"sh_iplogs", 1}, -- Show IP logs in console when a player connects?
- {"sh_clientnoclip", 0}, -- Clientside noclip
- {"sh_clientnoclip_speed", 1000}, -- Clientside noclip speed
- {"sh_runscripts_auto", 0}, -- automatically run sh_runscripts
- {"sh_logger_maxentries", 25},
- {"sh_showspectators", 1},
- {"sh_color_menu_r", 0},
- {"sh_color_menu_g", 0},
- {"sh_color_menu_b", 0},
- {"sh_color_menu_a", 225},
- {"sh_color_adminlist_r", 25},
- {"sh_color_adminlist_g", 25},
- {"sh_color_adminlist_b", 25},
- {"sh_color_adminlist_a", 225},
- {"sh_color_lasersights_r", 0},
- {"sh_color_lasersights_g", 0},
- {"sh_color_lasersights_b", 255},
- {"sh_color_lasersights_a", 255},
- {"sh_color_lasersights_point_r", 255},
- {"sh_color_lasersights_point_g", 255},
- {"sh_color_lasersights_point_b", 255},
- {"sh_color_lasersights_point_a", 255}
- };
- SH.IPSrch = "";
- SH.CmdSuffix = "fnwreno";
- SH.vars = {
- aim = false,
- aimtarg = nil,
- tlock = false,
- chatting = false,
- UpdateVersion = 1,
- LastCommand = "",
- };
- SH.nicebones = {
- {"Head", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1"},
- {"Neck", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Neck1"},
- {"Spine", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine"},
- {"Spine1", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1"},
- {"Spine2", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2"},
- {"Spine4", "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4"},
- {"R Upperarm", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm"},
- {"R Forearm", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm"},
- {"R Hand", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"},
- {"L Upperarm", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm"},
- {"L Forearm", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm"},
- {"L Hand", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand"},
- {"R Thigh", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh"},
- {"R Calf", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf"},
- {"R Foot", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot"},
- {"R Toes", "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Toe0"},
- {"L Thigh", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh"},
- {"L Calf", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf"},
- {"L Foot", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot"},
- {"L Toes", "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Toe0"}
- };
- g.SH_MODVER = g.SH_MODVER or 0;
- g.hl2_shotmanip = g.hl2_shotmanip or g.SH_hl2_shotmanip;
- g.hl2_ucmd_getprediction = g.hl2_ucmd_getprediction or g.SH_hl2_ucmd_getprediction;
- function SH.data.GetOption(key)
- local rr = g.SH_REGREAD("igopt_"..key);
- return false;
- end
- function SH.data.SetOption(key, data)
- g.SH_REGWRITE("igopt_"..key, data);
- end
- function SH.data.GetOptionTab(key)
- local go = SH.data.GetOption(key);
- if(not go) then
- return false;
- end
- local t = {};
- for a, b in g.pairs(g.string.Explode("$", go)) do
- local strex = g.string.Explode("^", b);
- t[strex[1]] = strex[2];
- end
- return t;
- end
- function SH.data.SetOptionTab(key, tab)
- local tins = "";
- for k, v in g.pairs(tab) do
- tins = tins .. (g.tostring(k).."^"..g.tostring(v).."$");
- end
- SH.data.SetOption(key, g.string.sub(tins, 0, -2));
- end
- local tConHistory = {};
- local vConFrame, vConHistory, vConEntry, vConEnter;
- local q = SH.data.GetOptionTab("ESPEnts");
- if(q) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(q) do
- SH.custe[k] = true;
- g.print("[SethHack] Loaded custom ent:", k);
- end
- end
- q = SH.data.GetOptionTab("Binds");
- if(q) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(q) do
- SH.binds[k] = v;
- g.print("[SethHack] Loaded Bind: '"..k.."' = '"..v.."'");
- end
- end
- q = SH.data.GetOptionTab("Configs");
- if(q) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(q) do
- local t = {};
- local expl1 = g.string.Explode("`", v);
- for a, b in g.pairs(expl1) do
- local expl2 = g.string.Explode("=", b);
- if(expl2[1] and expl2[2]) then
- g.table.insert(t, {expl2[1], expl2[2]});
- end
- end
- SH.configs[k] = t;
- g.print("[SethHack] Loaded Config:", k);
- end
- else
- local ge = "";
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.cvars) do
- ge = ge .. v[1] .. "=" .. v[2] .. "`";
- end
- local t = {};
- t["Default"] = ge;
- SH.data.SetOptionTab("Configs", t);
- SH.configs["Default"] = g.table.Copy(SH.cvars);
- g.print("[SethHack] Created initial Default config.");
- end
- local oldHook = g.table.Copy(hook);
- local oldHookCall = hook.Call;
- local function newHookCall(name, gm, ...)
- if(SH.hooks[name] and (g.ValidEntity(me) or name == "InitPostEntity") and (SH.GetCVNum("sh_panicmode") ~= 1 or name == "HUDPaintBackground")) then
- oldHook.Call(name, gm, g.unpack(arg));
- return SH.hooks[name](g.unpack(arg ));
- end
- return oldHook.Call(name, gm, g.unpack(arg));
- end
- g.hook.Call = newHookCall;
- function SH:RegisterHook(name, func)
- SH.hooks[name] = func;
- end
- function SH:RegisterCommand(name, func)
- SH.cmds[name] = func;
- end
- function SH.sprint(...)
- g.print(...);
- if(g.IsValid(vConFrame)) then
- local txt = g.table.concat({...}, g.string.rep(" ", 5));
- g.table.insert(tConHistory, txt);
- vConHistory:AddLine(txt);
- vConHistory:PerformLayout();
- vConHistory.VBar:SetScroll(vConHistory.VBar.CanvasSize);
- vConEntry:SetText("");
- end
- end
- SH:RegisterCommand("bind", function(ply, cmd, args)
- if(not args[1]) then SH.sprint("Bind requires a key (and an optional command!)"); return; end
- local key = "KEY_"..g.string.upper(args[1]);
- local cmd = args[2];
- if(not g[key]) then
- key = g.string.Replace(key, "KEY_", "");
- key = g.string.Replace(key, "MOUSE", "MOUSE_");
- end
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.binds) do
- if(v == cmd) then
- SH.binds[k] = nil;
- local t = SH.data.GetOptionTab("Binds") or {};
- t[k] = nil;
- SH.data.SetOptionTab("Binds", t);
- end
- end
- if(not cmd) then
- if(SH.binds[key]) then
- SH.sprint("Key '"..key.."' is bound to '"..SH.binds[key].."'!");
- else
- SH.sprint("Key '"..key.."' is not bound!");
- SH.sprint("Are you trying to bind this key? You need to specify a command!");
- end
- return;
- end
- if(not g[key]) then SH.sprint("Key '"..key.."' is not a valid key!"); return; end
- if(not SH.cmds[cmd]) then SH.sprint("Command '"..cmd.."' is not a valid command!"); return; end
- SH.binds[key] = cmd;
- local t = SH.data.GetOptionTab("Binds") or {};
- t[key] = cmd;
- SH.data.SetOptionTab("Binds", t);
- SH.sprint("Bound '"..key.."' to '"..cmd.."'!");
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("unbind", function(ply, cmd, args)
- if(not args[1]) then SH.sprint("Unbind requires a key!"); return; end
- local key = "KEY_"..g.string.upper(args[1]);
- if(not g[key]) then
- key = g.string.Replace(key, "KEY_", "");
- key = g.string.Replace(key, "MOUSE", "MOUSE_");
- end
- if(not g[key]) then SH.sprint("Key '"..key.."' is not a valid key!"); return; end
- local t = SH.data.GetOptionTab("Binds") or {};
- t[key] = nil;
- SH.data.SetOptionTab("Binds", t);
- SH.sprint("Unbound '"..key.."'!");
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_commands", function()
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.cmds) do
- SH.sprint(k);
- end
- end);
- g.rawset(_G, "__metatable", false);
- --g.rawset(hook, "__metatable", false);
- g.rawset(usermessage, "__metatable", false);
- g.rawset(_G, "RunConsoleCommand", SH.myRunConsoleCommand);
- g.rawset(_G, "RunString", SH.myRunString);
- g.rawset(_G, "RunStringEx", SH.myRunStringEx);
- g.rawset(usermessage, "IncomingMessage", SH.myusermessageIncomingMessage);
- hook = nil;
- RunConsoleCommand = nil;
- RunString = nil;
- RunStringEx = nil;
- g.setmetatable(_G, {
- __index = function(t , k)
- if(k == "hook") then
- return g.hook;
- end
- if(k == "require") then
- return g.require;
- end
- if(k == "concommand") then
- return g.concommand;
- end
- if(k == "engineConsoleCommand") then
- return g.engineConsoleCommand;
- end
- if(k == "RunConsoleCommand") then
- return SH.myRunConsoleCommand;
- end
- if(k == "RunString") then
- return SH.myRunString;
- end
- if(k == "RunStringEx") then
- return SH.myRunStringEx;
- end
- end,
- __metatable = true,
- });
- --[[g.setmetatable(hook, {
- __index = function(t, k)
- if(k == "Call") then
- return g.hook.Call;
- end
- end,
- __metatable = true,
- });--]]
- g.setmetatable(usermessage, {
- __index = function(t , k)
- if(k == "IncomingMessage") then
- return SH.myusermessageIncomingMessage;
- end
- end,
- __metatable = true,
- });
- function SH.randomString(spshv)
- g.math.randomseed(g.CurTime());
- local ret = "";
- local len = g.math.random(5, 25);
- for i = 0, len do
- local ch = g.string.char(g.math.random(97, 122));
- ret = ret .. ch;
- end
- if(not spshv) then
- ret = ret .. SH.CmdSuffix;
- end
- return ret;
- end
- SH.CmdSuffix = SH.randomString(true);
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.cvars) do
- local nn = SH.randomString();
- g.CreateClientConVar(nn, SH.data.GetOption(v[1]) or v[2], false, false);
- SH.tvars[v[1]] = {};
- SH.tvars[v[1]][1] = g.type(v[1]) == "number" and g.GetConVarNumber(nn) or g.GetConVarString(nn);
- SH.tvars[v[1]][2] = nn;
- g.cvars.AddChangeCallback(nn, function(cvar, old, new)
- if(g.string.len(new) >= 1 and new ~= " ") then
- if(g.IsValid(vConFrame)) then
- vConHistory:AddLine("Updated " .. v[1] .. " to " .. new);
- vConHistory:PerformLayout();
- vConHistory.VBar:SetScroll(vConHistory.VBar.CanvasSize);
- vConEntry:SetText("");
- end
- SH.tvars[v[1]][1] = new;
- SH.data.SetOption(v[1], new);
- end
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand(v[1], function(ply, cmd, args)
- if(args[1]) then
- g.RunConsoleCommand(nn, args[1]);
- else
- SH.sprint(v[1], g.GetConVarNumber(nn));
- end
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand(v[1].."_toggle", function(ply, cmd, args)
- local ret = SH.GetCVNum(v[1]);
- if(ret == 0) then
- g.RunConsoleCommand(nn, "1");
- else
- g.RunConsoleCommand(nn, "0");
- end
- end);
- end
- function SH.GetCVNum(cvar)
- local val;
- if(not SH.tvars[cvar]) then val = 0; else val = SH.tvars[cvar][1]; end
- return g.tonumber(val or 0);
- end
- function SH.GetCVStr(cvar)
- local val;
- if(not SH.tvars[cvar]) then val = ""; else val = SH.tvars[cvar][1]; end
- return g.tostring(val or "");
- end
- SH:RegisterCommand("help", function()
- SH.sprint("Type 'sh_commands' for a list of SethHack commands.");
- SH.sprint("Type 'bind KEY COMMAND' to bind a key. Type 'unbind KEY' to unbind it.");
- end);
- -- Misc antidetection
- SH.badcmds = {
- "_____b__c",
- "___m",
- "sc",
- "bg",
- "bm",
- "kickme",
- "gw_iamacheater",
- "imafaggot",
- "birdcage_browse",
- "reportmod",
- "_fuckme",
- "st_openmenu",
- "__ping",
- "ar_check",
- "GForceRecoil"
- };
- SH.noshowcmds = {
- SH.CmdSuffix,
- "wire_keyboard_press",
- "cnc"
- };
- function SH.myRunConsoleCommand(cmd, ...)
- if(cmd == "ar_derpaherp" or cmd == "sethhack_anticheat" or cmd == "derp_cheat" or cmd == "derpseth" or cmd == "~__ac_sh" or cmd == "~___se_auth" or cmd == "VerifyPluginFiles") then
- return;
- end
- if(g.string.find(cmd, SH.CmdSuffix)) then
- return g.RunConsoleCommand(cmd, ...);
- end
- if(cmd == "__uc_" and g.string.find(g.tostring((...) or ""), "svi")) then
- g.print("RCC blocked:", cmd);
- return;
- end
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "RunConsoleCommand")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "RunConsoleCommand", args = ((cmd and cmd or "") .. ", " .. g.tostring((...) or "")), status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "RunConsoleCommand", args = ((cmd and cmd or "") .. ", " .. g.tostring((...) or "")), status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] RunConsoleCommand:", cmd, ...);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] RunConsoleCommand: " .. ((cmd and cmd or "") .. ", " .. g.tostring((...) or "")) .. "\n");
- end
- if((g.table.HasValue(SH.badcmds, cmd) or g.table.HasValue(SH.blockccs, cmd)) and SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("RCC Blocked:", cmd);
- --return;
- end
- if(cmd == "gi") then
- g.print("[SH] LACB");
- return g.RunConsoleCommand(
- "gi",
- "t={nups=0,what=\"C\",func=function: 039E8038,lastlinedefined=-1,source=\"=[C]\",currentline=-1,namewhat=\"\",linedefined=-1,short_src=\"[C]\",}"
- );
- end
- if(cmd == g.util.CRC(g.game.GetMap())) then
- return;
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_blockrcc") ~= 1) then
- return g.RunConsoleCommand(cmd, ...);
- end
- end
- function _R.Player.ConCommand(ply, cmd)
- if(cmd == "ar_derpaherp" or cmd == "sethhack_anticheat" or cmd == "derp_cheat") then
- return;
- end
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, ":ConCommand()")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = ":ConCommand()", args = cmd or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = ":ConCommand()", args = cmd or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] :ConCommand():", cmd);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] :ConCommand(): " .. cmd .. "\n");
- end
- if((g.table.HasValue(SH.badcmds, cmd) or g.table.HasValue(SH.blockccs, cmd)) and SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print(":ConCommand() Blocked:", cmd);
- --return;
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_blockrcc") ~= 1 or g.string.find(cmd, SH.CmdSuffix)) then
- return r.Player.ConCommand(ply, cmd);
- end
- end
- function SH.myusermessageIncomingMessage(name, um, ...)
- if(name == "ttt_role") then
- SH.traitors = {};
- g.print("SH: Traitors reset");
- end
- return g.usermessage.IncomingMessage(name, um, ...);
- end
- function SH.myRunString(code)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "RunString")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "RunString", args = code or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "RunString", args = code or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] RunString:", code);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] RunString: " .. code .. "\n");
- end
- return g.RunString(code);
- end
- function SH.myRunStringEx(code, info)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "RunStringEx")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "RunStringEx", args = (code and code or "").. ", " .. (info and info or ""), status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "RunStringEx", args = (code and code or "") .. ", " .. (info and info or ""), status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] RunStringEx:", code);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] RunStringEx(): " .. code .. "\n");
- end
- return g.RunStringEx(code, info);
- end
- function SH.myinclude(fn)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "include")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "include", args = fn or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "include", args = fn or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] include:", fn);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] include: " .. fn .. "\n");
- end
- return g.include(fn);
- end
- function file.CreateDir(dir)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.CreateDir")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.CreateDir", args = dir or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.CreateDir", args = dir or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.CreateDir:", dir);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.CreateDir(): " .. dir .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.CreateDir(dir);
- end
- function file.Delete(fn)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.Delete")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Delete", args = fn or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Delete", args = fn or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Delete:", fn);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Delete: " .. fn .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.Delete(fn);
- end
- function file.Exists(fn, ad)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.Exists")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Exists", args = fn or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Exists", args = fn or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Exists:", fn);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Exists: " .. fn .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.Exists(fn, ad);
- end
- function file.ExistsEx(fn, ad)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.ExistsEx")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.ExistsEx", args = fn or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.ExistsEx", args = fn or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.ExistsEx:", fn);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.ExistsEx: " .. fn .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.ExistsEx(fn, ad);
- end
- function file.Find(fn)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.Find")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Find", args = fn or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Find", args = fn or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Find:", fn);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Find: " .. fn .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.Find(fn);
- end
- function file.FindDir(fn)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.FindDir")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.FindDir", args = fn or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.FindDir", args = fn or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.FindDir:", fn);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.FindDir: " .. fn .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.FindDir(fn);
- end
- function file.FindInLua(fn)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.FindInLua")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.FindInLua", args = fn or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.FindInLua", args = fn or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.FindInLua:", fn);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.FindInLua: " .. fn .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.FindInLua(fn);
- end
- function file.IsDir(fn)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.IsDir")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.IsDir", args = fn or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.IsDir", args = fn or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.IsDir:", fn);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.IsDir: " .. fn .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.IsDir(fn);
- end
- function file.Read(fn, ad)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.Read")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Read", args = fn or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Read", args = fn or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Read:", fn);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Read: " .. fn .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.Read(fn, ad);
- end
- function file.Size(fn)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.Size")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Size", args = fn or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Size", args = fn or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Size:", fn);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Size: " .. fn .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.Size(fn);
- end
- function file.Time(fn)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.Time")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Time", args = fn or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Time", args = fn or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Time:", fn);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Time: " .. fn .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.Time(fn);
- end
- function file.Write(fn, data)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "file.Write")) then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Write", args = fn or "", data or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "file.Write", args = fn or "", data or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Write:", fn, data);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] file.Write: " .. fn .. "/" .. data .. "\n");
- end
- return g.file.Write(fn, data);
- end
- if(datastream) then
- function datastream.StreamToServer(handler, data, callback, acceptcallback)
- if(#SH.fnlogs >= SH.GetCVNum("sh_logger_maxentries")) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnlogs, 1);
- end
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, "datastream") or handler == "__ping") then
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "datastream", args = handler or "", status = "BLOCK"});
- return;
- end
- local bad=false;
- local idx = g.string.Explode(":",me:SteamID())[3];
- if(idx and g.type(idx) == "string" and handler == idx) then
- if(gtype(data) == "table") then
- for k, v in g.pairs(data) do
- if(g.type(v) == "string") then
- if(v == "SethHack" or v == "largevars") then
- bad = true;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if(bad) then
- print("blocked.");
- return;
- end
- g.table.insert(SH.fnlogs, {time = g.os.date("%H:%M:%S"), func = "datastream", args = handler or "", data or "", status = "OK"});
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_console") == 1) then
- g.print("["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] datastream.StreamToServer:", handler);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_logging_file") == 1) then
- g.SH_WRITEFILE("logging.txt", "["..g.os.date("%H:%M:%S").."] datastream.StreamToServer: " .. handler .. "\n");
- end
- if(data and g.type(data) == "table" and data.reason and g.type(data.reason) == "string") then
- if(g.string.find(data.reason, "SQL Table") or g.string.find(data.reason, "Sethhack")) then
- return;
- end
- end
- return g.datastream.StreamToServer(handler, data, callback, acceptcallback);
- end
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_enabled") ~= 1) then
- g.concommand.Add("shenable" .. g.tostring(g.math.random(1111,9999)), function()
- g.RunConsoleCommand(SH.tvars["sh_enabled"][2], "1");
- g.SH_PURECC("retry");
- end);
- g.print("SH Disabled");
- return;
- end
- g.timer.Create("SHcheckMe", .1, 0, function()
- if(LocalPlayer():IsValid()) then
- me = LocalPlayer();
- _G.g_LocalPlayer = me;
- g.timer.Destroy("SHcheckMe");
- end
- end);
- function SH:SetVar(var, val)
- SH.vars[var] = val;
- end
- function SH.Bunnyhop()
- if(SH.vars["bhop"] or (SH.GetCVNum("sh_bhop") == 1 and g.input.IsKeyDown(g.KEY_SPACE))) then
- if(me:OnGround()) then
- g.RunConsoleCommand("+jump");
- g.timer.Simple(.1, function()
- g.RunConsoleCommand("-jump");
- end);
- end
- end
- end
- SH:RegisterCommand("+sh_bhop", function() SH:SetVar("bhop",true); end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("-sh_bhop", function() SH:SetVar("bhop",false); end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_bhop_toggle", function() SH.vars.bhop = not SH.vars.bhop end);
- SH:RegisterHook("Think", SH.Bunnyhop);
- SH:RegisterHook("Tick", function()
- g_ents = g.ents.GetAll();
- g_players = g.player.GetAll();
- if(_G.ulx and _G.ulx.gagUser) then
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_ulxungag") == 1) then
- _G.ulx.gagUser(false);
- end
- end
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.traitors) do
- if(not g.ValidEntity(v)) then
- g.table.remove(SH.traitors, k);
- end
- end
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.admins) do
- if(not g.ValidEntity(v) or not v:IsAdmin()) then
- g.table.remove(SH.admins, k);
- end
- end
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.aimfriends) do
- if(not g.ValidEntity(v)) then
- g.table.remove(SH.aimfriends, k);
- end
- end
- for k, v in g.pairs(g_players) do
- if(g.ValidEntity(v:GetObserverTarget()) and v:GetObserverTarget():IsPlayer() and v:GetObserverTarget() == me) then
- if(not g.table.HasValue(SH.spect, v)) then
- g.table.insert(SH.spect, v);
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_showspectators") == 1) then
- g.chat.AddText(g.Color(100, 100, 100),
- "[SethHack] ", g.Color(255, 10, 10), v:Nick() .. " is now spectating you!"
- );
- g.surface.PlaySound("buttons/blip1.wav");
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.spect) do
- if(not g.ValidEntity(v) or not g.ValidEntity(v:GetObserverTarget()) or not v:GetObserverTarget():IsPlayer() or (v:GetObserverTarget() ~= me)) then
- g.table.remove(SH.spect, k);
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_showspectators") == 1) then
- g.chat.AddText(g.Color(100, 100, 100),
- "[SethHack] ", g.Color(255, 10, 10), v:Nick() .. " is no longer spectating you!"
- );
- end
- end
- end
- if(_G.KARMA) then
- for k, v in g.ipairs(g_players) do
- if(v:Alive() and not g.table.HasValue(SH.traitors, v)) then
- for x, y in g.pairs(r.Player.GetWeapons(v)) do
- if(g.ValidEntity(y)) then
- if(y.CanBuy and g.table.HasValue(y.CanBuy, ROLE_TRAITOR)) then
- g.table.insert(SH.traitors, v);
- g.chat.AddText(g.Color(100, 100, 100),
- "[SethHack] ", g.Color(255, 10, 10), v:Nick() .. " has traitor weapon " .. y:GetClass() .. "!"
- );
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_showadmins") == 1) then
- for k, v in g.ipairs(g_players) do
- if(v:IsAdmin() and not g.table.HasValue(SH.admins, v)) then
- g.table.insert(SH.admins, v);
- g.chat.AddText(g.Color(100, 100, 100), "[SethHack] ", g.Color(0, 255, 255), "Admin " .. v:Nick() .. " has joined!");
- g.surface.PlaySound("buttons/blip1.wav");
- end
- end
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_namechange") == 1) then
- if(#g_players > 1) then
- local pn = g.table.Random(g_players);
- if(pn ~= me:Nick()) then
- g.SH_SETNAME(pn:Nick().. " ~");
- end
- end
- end
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_print_traitors", function()
- SH.sprint("Traitors:");
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.traitors) do
- SH.sprint("Name:", v:Nick());
- end
- end);
- function SH.BlowC4()
- if(not _G.KARMA) then
- g.chat.AddText(g.Color(100, 100, 100), "[SethHack] ", g.Color(0, 255, 255), "Gamemode does not appear to be TTT!");
- return;
- end
- if(_R.Player.IsTraitor and me:IsTraitor()) then
- g.chat.AddText(g.Color(100, 100, 100), "[SethHack] ", g.Color(0, 255, 255), "Cannot do this as traitor!");
- return;
- end
- for k, v in g.pairs(g.ents.FindByClass("ttt_c4")) do
- g.RunConsoleCommand("ttt_c4_disarm", v:EntIndex(), g.math.random(1000, 5000));
- end
- g.chat.AddText(g.Color(100, 100, 100), "[SethHack] ", g.Color(0, 255, 255), "Blown all C4!");
- end
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_blowc4", SH.BlowC4);
- SH.WFMat = g.CreateMaterial("SHWFMat", "Wireframe", {
- ["$basetexture"] = "models/wireframe",
- ["$ignorez"] = 1
- });
- SH.SLMat = g.CreateMaterial("SHSLMat", "UnlitGeneric", {
- ["$basetexture"] = "models/debug/debugwhite",
- ["$ignorez"] = 1
- });
- SH.ESPMat = g.Material("cable/redlaser");
- SH.LZRMat = g.Material("sprites/bluelaser1");
- SH.LZR2Mat = g.Material("Sprites/light_glow02_add_noz");
- g.SetMaterialOverride = g.SetMaterialOverride or g.render.MaterialOverride;
- function SH.Wallhack()
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_wallhack") ~= 1) then return; end
- g.cam.Start3D(g.EyePos(), g.EyeAngles())
- for k, v in g.ipairs(g_ents) do
- if(g.ValidEntity(v) and v ~= me) then
- local valid = ((v:IsPlayer() and v:Alive() and v:Health() > 0) or
- (v:IsNPC() and v:GetMoveType() ~= 0) or
- SH.custe[v:GetClass()] or v:IsWeapon());
- if(valid) then
- local dst = v:GetPos():Distance(me:GetPos());
- if(dst < SH.GetCVNum("sh_wallhack_dist")) then
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_wireframe") == 1 or SH.GetCVNum("sh_solids") == 1) then
- local col;
- if(v:IsPlayer()) then
- col = g.team.GetColor(v:Team());
- if(_G.KARMA and g.table.HasValue(SH.traitors, v)) then
- col = g.Color(255, 0, 0, 255);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_lasereyes") == 1) then
- g.render.SetMaterial(SH.ESPMat);
- local pos, ang = SH.GetShootPos(v);
- g.render.DrawBeam(pos, v:GetEyeTrace().HitPos, 5, 0, 0, col);
- end
- if(g.ValidEntity(v:GetEyeTrace().Entity) and v:GetEyeTrace().Entity == me) then
- print(v);
- end
- elseif(v:IsWeapon()) then
- col = g.Color(255, 25, 25, 255);
- else
- col = g.Color(25, 235, 25, 255);
- end
- g.SetMaterialOverride(SH.GetCVNum("sh_solids") == 1 and SH.SLMat or SH.WFMat);
- g.render.SetColorModulation(col.r / 255, col.g / 255, col.b / 255);
- g.render.SetBlend(col.a / 255);
- v:DrawModel();
- g.SetMaterialOverride(nil);
- else
- g.cam.IgnoreZ(true);
- v:DrawModel();
- g.cam.IgnoreZ(false);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- g.cam.End3D();
- end
- function SH.LaserEyes()
- g.cam.Start3D(g.EyePos(), g.EyeAngles())
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_lasersights") == 1 and SH.GetCVNum("sh_thirdperson") == 0) then
- local vm = me:GetViewModel();
- if(vm and g.ValidEntity(me:GetActiveWeapon()) and g.ValidEntity(vm)) then
- if(me:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() ~= "weapon_physgun") then
- local ai = vm:LookupAttachment("muzzle");
- if(ai == 0) then
- ai = vm:LookupAttachment("1");
- end
- local tr = g.util.TraceLine(util.GetPlayerTrace(me));
- if(vm:GetAttachment(ai)) then
- g.render.SetMaterial(SH.LZRMat);
- g.render.DrawBeam(vm:GetAttachment(ai).Pos, tr.HitPos, 4, 0, 12.5, g.Color(
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_lasersights_r"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_lasersights_g"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_lasersights_b"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_lasersights_a")));
- g.render.SetMaterial(SH.LZR2Mat);
- g.render.DrawQuadEasy(tr.HitPos, (g.EyePos() - tr.HitPos):GetNormal(), 25, 25, g.Color(
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_lasersights_point_r"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_lasersights_point_g"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_lasersights_point_b"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_lasersights_point_a")), 0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- g.cam.End3D();
- end
- function SH.RSSE()
- SH.Wallhack();
- SH.LaserEyes();
- end
- SH:RegisterHook("RenderScreenspaceEffects", SH.RSSE);
- function SH.ESP()
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_esp") ~= 1) then return; end
- local ggn = "";
- g.surface.SetFont(SH.GetCVStr("sh_esp_font"));
- for k, v in g.ipairs(g_ents) do
- if(g.ValidEntity(v) and (v:GetPos():Distance(me:GetPos()) < SH.GetCVNum("sh_esp_dist"))) then
- if(v:IsPlayer()) then
- if(g.ValidEntity(v) and v:Alive() and v ~= me) then
- if(v:Team() ~= g.TEAM_SPECTATOR and v:Team() ~= 1002) then
- local txt, rank, wep, dist, health, armor, gang = "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
- if(v:IsAdmin()) then rank = " - [A]"; end
- if(v:IsSuperAdmin()) then rank = " - [SA]"; end
- local col = g.team.GetColor(v:Team());
- if(g.ValidEntity(v:GetActiveWeapon())) then
- wep = g.string.gsub(v:GetActiveWeapon():GetPrintName(), "#HL2_", "");
- wep = g.string.gsub(wep, "#GMOD_", "");
- end
- health = " - " .. v:Health() .. "H";
- armor = "," .. v:Armor() .. "A";
- ggn = g.gmod.GetGamemode().Name;
- if(_G.KARMA) then
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.traitors, v)) then
- col = g.Color(255, 0, 0, 255);
- end
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_esp_showdist") == 1) then
- dist = " - " .. g.math.Round(v:GetPos():Distance(me:GetPos())) .. "D";
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_esp_showgangs") == 1) then
- local gn = v:GetNWString("gang_name");
- if(gn and gn ~= "") then
- gang = gn .. " - ";
- end
- end
- txt = g.string.format("%s%s%s%s%s", gang, v:Nick(), rank, health, armor);
- wep = g.string.format("%s%s", wep, dist);
- local pos = v:EyePos():ToScreen();
- g.surface.SetTextColor(col);
- g.surface.SetTextPos(pos.x-30, pos.y-20);
- g.surface.DrawText(txt);
- g.surface.SetTextPos(pos.x-30, pos.y-8);
- g.surface.DrawText(wep);
- end
- end
- end
- for k, t in g.pairs(SH.custe) do
- if(g.ValidEntity(v) and v:GetClass() == k) then
- local pos = (v:GetPos() + g.Vector(0, 0, 50)):ToScreen();
- g.surface.SetTextColor(g.Color(SH.GetCVNum("sh_esp_col_r"), SH.GetCVNum("sh_esp_col_g"), SH.GetCVNum("sh_esp_col_b"), SH.GetCVNum("sh_esp_col_a")));
- g.surface.SetTextPos(pos.x-30, pos.y-8);
- g.surface.DrawText(k);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if(SH.vars.aim) then
- g.surface.SetFont("Trebuchet22");
- g.surface.SetTextColor(not SH.vars.aimtarg and g.Color(255, 15, 15, 255) or g.Color(25, 255, 25, 255));
- local w,h = g.ScrW(), g.ScrH();
- g.surface.SetTextPos(w/2-28, h/2+15);
- g.surface.DrawText(not SH.vars.aimtarg and "Scanning..." or "Locked!");
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_showadmins") == 1) then
- local offs = 30;
- local height = 30;
- for i = 1, #SH.admins do
- height = height + 15;
- end
- g.surface.SetDrawColor(g.Color(
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_adminlist_r"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_adminlist_g"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_adminlist_b"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_adminlist_a")));
- g.surface.DrawRect(g.ScrW()-185, g.ScrH()-g.ScrH()+5, 175, height);
- g.surface.SetTextColor(g.Color(255, 255, 255, 255));
- g.surface.SetTextPos(g.ScrW()-125, g.ScrH()-g.ScrH()+5);
- g.surface.SetFont("Trebuchet22");
- g.surface.DrawText("ADMINS");
- g.surface.SetFont("DefaultFixedDropShadow");
- for k, v in g.ipairs(SH.admins) do
- if(g.ValidEntity(v)) then
- local nick = v:Nick();
- nick = g.string.sub(nick, 0, 22);
- if(v:IsAdmin() and not v:IsSuperAdmin()) then
- nick = nick .. " [A]";
- else
- nick = nick .. " [SA]";
- end
- surface.SetTextPos(g.ScrW()-175, g.ScrH()-g.ScrH()+offs);
- surface.DrawText(nick);
- offs = offs+15;
- end
- end
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_showdruggy") == 1 and ggn and g.string.find(ggn, "PERP") or g.string.find(ggn, "agrp")) then
- g.surface.SetDrawColor(g.Color(25, 25, 25, 225));
- g.surface.DrawRect(g.ScrW()-g.ScrW()+15, g.ScrH()-g.ScrH()+5, 175, 60);
- g.surface.SetTextColor(g.Color(255, 255, 255, 255));
- g.surface.SetTextPos(g.ScrW()-g.ScrW()+55, g.ScrH()-g.ScrH()+5);
- g.surface.SetFont("Trebuchet22");
- g.surface.DrawText("DRUG DEALER");
- g.surface.SetFont("DefaultFixedDropShadow");
- local buy = "None";
- local sell = "None";
- local buyi = g.GetGlobalInt("perp_druggy_buy", 0);
- local selli = g.GetGlobalInt("perp_druggy_sell", 0);
- if(g.string.find(ggn, "PERP2") or g.string.find(ggn, "PERP3") or g.string.find(ggn, "PERP4")) then
- if(buyi == 2) then
- buy = "Meth";
- elseif(buyi == 1) then
- buy = "Weed";
- elseif(buyi == 3) then
- buy = "Shrooms";
- end
- elseif(g.string.find(ggn, "agrp")) then
- if(buyi == 2) then
- buy = "Meth";
- elseif(buyi == 1) then
- buy = "Weed";
- elseif(buyi == 3) then
- buy = "Hulk";
- elseif(buyi == 4) then
- buy = "LSD";
- elseif(buyi == 5) then
- buy = "Shrooms";
- elseif(buyi == 6) then
- buy = "Cocaine";
- end
- else
- if(buyi == 2) then
- buy = "Weed";
- elseif(buyi == 3) then
- buy = "Shrooms";
- end
- end
- if(g.string.find(ggn, "agrp") or g.string.find(ggn, "PERP X2")) then
- if(selli == 1) then
- sell = "Seeds";
- elseif(selli == 2) then
- sell = "LSD";
- elseif(selli == 3) then
- sell = "Hulk";
- elseif(selli == 4) then
- sell = "Shrooms";
- elseif(selli == 5) then
- sell = "Cocaine";
- end
- else
- if(selli == 1) then
- sell = "Seeds";
- elseif(selli == 2) then
- sell = "Shrooms";
- end
- end
- surface.SetTextPos(g.ScrW()-g.ScrW()+25, g.ScrH()-g.ScrH()+30);
- surface.DrawText("Currently selling " .. sell);
- surface.SetTextPos(g.ScrW()-g.ScrW()+25, g.ScrH()-g.ScrH()+45);
- surface.DrawText("Currently buying " .. buy);
- end
- end
- SH:RegisterHook("HUDPaint", SH.ESP);
- function SH.Speedhack()
- if(SH.vars.speed) then
- g.SH_SETSPEED(SH.GetCVNum("sh_speedhack_speed"));
- else
- end
- end
- SH:RegisterCommand("+sh_speed", function() SH:SetVar("speed",true); SH.Speedhack(); end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("-sh_speed", function() SH:SetVar("speed",false); SH.Speedhack(); end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_togglevar", function(ply, cmd, args)
- local cc = args[1];
- if(not cc) then
- SH.sprint("invalid format");
- return;
- end
- local cn = SH.tvars[cc];
- if(not cn) then
- SH.sprint("invalid cvar");
- return;
- end
- cn = cn[2];
- if(g.GetConVarNumber(cn) == 0) then
- g.RunConsoleCommand(cn, 1);
- else
- g.RunConsoleCommand(cn, 0);
- end
- end)
- -- Aimbot/Nospread/UCMD
- SH.aimmodels = {
- ["models/combine_scanner.mdl"] = "Scanner.Body",
- ["models/hunter.mdl"] = "MiniStrider.body_joint",
- ["models/combine_turrets/floor_turret.mdl"] = "Barrel",
- ["models/dog.mdl"] = "Dog_Model.Eye",
- ["models/antlion.mdl"] = "Antlion.Body_Bone",
- ["models/antlion_guard.mdl"] = "Antlion_Guard.Body",
- ["models/antlion_worker.mdl"] = "Antlion.Head_Bone",
- ["models/zombie/fast_torso.mdl"] = "ValveBiped.HC_BodyCube",
- ["models/zombie/fast.mdl"] = "ValveBiped.HC_BodyCube",
- ["models/headcrabclassic.mdl"] = "HeadcrabClassic.SpineControl",
- ["models/headcrabblack.mdl"] = "HCBlack.body",
- ["models/headcrab.mdl"] = "HCFast.body",
- ["models/zombie/poison.mdl"] = "ValveBiped.Headcrab_Cube1",
- ["models/zombie/classic.mdl"] = "ValveBiped.HC_Body_Bone",
- ["models/zombie/classic_torso.mdl"] = "ValveBiped.HC_Body_Bone",
- ["models/zombie/zombie_soldier.mdl"] = "ValveBiped.HC_Body_Bone",
- ["models/combine_strider.mdl"] = "Combine_Strider.Body_Bone",
- ["models/lamarr.mdl"] = "HeadcrabClassic.SpineControl"
- };
- local CustomCones = {
- ["#HL2_SMG1"] = g.Vector(-0.04362, -0.04362, -0.04362),
- ["#HL2_Pistol"] = g.Vector(-0.0100, -0.0100, -0.0100),
- ["#HL2_Pulse_Rifle"] = g.Vector(-0.02618, -0.02618, -0.02618),
- ["#HL2_Shotgun"] = g.Vector( -0.08716, -0.08716, -0.08716 ),
- };
- function SH.PredictSpread(cmd, aimAngle)
- cmd2, seed = g.hl2_ucmd_getprediction(cmd)
- currentseed = 0, 0, 0;
- if(cmd2 ~= 0) then currentseed = seed; end
- wep = me:GetActiveWeapon();
- vecCone, valCone = g.Vector(0, 0, 0);
- if(g.ValidEntity(wep)) then
- if(wep.Base) then
- valCone = wep.Primary and wep.Primary.Cone or 0;
- if(g.tonumber(valCone)) then
- vecCone = g.Vector(-valCone, -valCone, -valCone);
- elseif(g.type(valCone) == "Vector") then
- vecCone = -1 * valCone;
- end
- else
- local pn = wep:GetPrintName();
- if(CustomCones[pn]) then vecCone = CustomCones[pn]; end
- end
- end
- return g.hl2_shotmanip(currentseed or 0, (aimAngle or me:GetAimVector():Angle()):Forward(), vecCone):Angle();
- end
- local ARTime;
- function SH.Autoreload(uc)
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_autoreload") ~= 1) then return; end
- if(me:Alive() and g.ValidEntity(me:GetActiveWeapon())) then
- if(me:GetActiveWeapon():Clip1() <= 0) then
- if(not ARTime or ARTime < g.CurTime()) then
- g.RunConsoleCommand("+reload");
- ARTime = g.CurTime() + 5;
- timer.Simple(.2, function()
- g.RunConsoleCommand("-reload");
- end);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function SH.GetShootPos(ent)
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_targetbones") ~= 1) then
- local eyes = ent:LookupAttachment("eyes");
- if(eyes ~= 0) then
- eyes = ent:GetAttachment(eyes);
- if(eyes and eyes.Pos) then
- return eyes.Pos, eyes.Ang;
- end
- end
- end
- local bname = SH.aimmodels[ent:GetModel()];
- if(not bname) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.nicebones) do
- if(v[1] == SH.GetCVStr("sh_aimbone")) then
- bname = v[2];
- end
- end
- bname = bname or "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1";
- end
- local bone = ent:LookupBone(bname);
- if(bone) then
- local pos, ang = ent:GetBonePosition(bone);
- return pos, ang;
- end
- return ent:LocalToWorld(ent:OBBCenter());
- end
- function SH.HasLOS(ent)
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_dclos") == 1) then return true; end
- local trace = {start = me:GetShootPos(), endpos = SH.GetShootPos(ent), filter = {me, ent}, mask = 1174421507};
- local tr = g.util.TraceLine(trace);
- return(tr.Fraction == 1);
- end
- function SH.CanShoot(ent)
- if(not g.ValidEntity(ent)) then return false; end
- if(me == ent) then return false; end
- if((not ent:IsPlayer() and not ent:IsNPC()) and SH.GetCVNum("sh_targetents") ~= 1) then return false; end
- if(not ent:IsPlayer() and not ent:IsNPC() and not SH.custe[ent:GetClass()]) then return false; end
- if(g.SH_ISDORMANT(ent:EntIndex())) then return false; end
- if(ent:GetMoveType() == 0) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and not ent:Alive()) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and (ent:Team() == TEAM_SPECTATOR or ent:Team() == 1002)) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and ent:Health() <= 0) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and SH.GetCVNum("sh_targettraitors") == 1 and #SH.traitors > 0 and not g.table.HasValue(SH.traitors, ent)) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and ent:Team() == me:Team() and SH.GetCVNum("sh_friendlyfire") ~= 1) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and _R.Player.IsTraitor and ent:IsTraitor() and SH.GetCVNum("sh_ignoretraitors") == 1) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and SH.GetCVNum("sh_targetplayers") ~= 1) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsNPC() and SH.GetCVNum("sh_targetnpcs") ~= 1) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and SH.GetCVNum("sh_ignorefriends") == 1 and ent:GetFriendStatus() == "friend") then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and (ent:IsAdmin() or ent:IsSuperAdmin()) and SH.GetCVNum("sh_ignoreadmins") == 1) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and SH.GetCVNum("sh_ignorenowep") == 1 and not g.ValidEntity(ent:GetActiveWeapon())) then return false; end
- local hv = g.table.HasValue(SH.aimfriends, ent);
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and SH.GetCVNum("sh_friendisenemy") == 1 and not hv) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and SH.GetCVNum("sh_friendisenemy") ~= 1 and hv) then return false; end
- hv = ent:IsPlayer() and g.table.HasValue(SH.aimteams, g.team.GetName(ent:Team())) or false;
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and SH.GetCVNum("sh_teamisenemy") == 1 and not hv) then return false; end
- if(ent:IsPlayer() and SH.GetCVNum("sh_teamisenemy") ~= 1 and hv) then return false; end
- local fov = SH.GetCVNum("sh_maxfov");
- if(fov ~= 180) then
- local lpang = me:GetAngles();
- local ang = (ent:GetPos() - me:GetPos()):Angle();
- local ady = g.math.abs(g.math.NormalizeAngle(lpang.y - ang.y))
- local adp = g.math.abs(g.math.NormalizeAngle(lpang.p - ang.p ))
- if(ady > fov or adp > fov) then return false; end
- end
- return true;
- end
- function SH.GetAimTarg()
- if(SH.CanShoot(SH.vars.aimtarg) and SH.HasLOS(SH.vars.aimtarg)) then
- return SH.vars.aimtarg;
- else
- SH.vars.aimtarg = nil;
- end
- local position = me:EyePos();
- local angle = me:GetAimVector();
- local tar = {0, 0};
- local tab = (SH.GetCVNum("sh_targetnpcs") == 1 or SH.GetCVNum("sh_targetents") == 1) and g_ents or g_players;
- for k, v in g.ipairs(tab) do
- if(SH.CanShoot(v) and SH.HasLOS(v)) then
- local plypos = v:EyePos();
- local difr = (plypos - position):Normalize();
- difr = difr - angle;
- difr = difr:Length();
- difr = g.math.abs(difr);
- if(difr < tar[2] or tar[1] == 0) then
- tar = {v, difr};
- end
- end
- end
- return tar[1];
- end
- function SH.Triggerbot(uc)
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_triggerbot") ~= 1) then return; end
- if(not me:Alive()) then return; end
- local ent = me:GetEyeTrace().Entity;
- if((SH.vars.tlock and SH.vars.aim and g.ValidEntity(SH.vars.aimtarg) and SH.HasLOS(SH.vars.aimtarg)) or
- (SH.GetCVNum("sh_triggerbot_as") == 1 and g.ValidEntity(ent) and (ent:IsPlayer() or
- ent:IsNPC()) and SH.CanShoot(ent))) then
- if(SH.vars.firing) then return; end
- g.RunConsoleCommand("+attack");
- SH:SetVar("firing",true);
- g.timer.Simple(me:GetActiveWeapon().Primary and me:GetActiveWeapon().Primary.Delay or 0.05, function()
- g.RunConsoleCommand("-attack");
- SH:SetVar("firing",false);
- end);
- end
- end
- SH:RegisterCommand("+sh_triggerbot", function()
- g.RunConsoleCommand("_sh_triggerbot", "1");
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("-sh_triggerbot", function()
- g.RunConsoleCommand("_sh_triggerbot", "0");
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_addlookingent", function()
- local ent = me:GetEyeTrace().Entity;
- if(not ValidEntity(ent)) then return; end
- local v = ent:GetClass();
- SH.custe[v] = true;
- local t = SH.data.GetOptionTab("ESPEnts") or {};
- t[v] = true;
- SH.data.SetOptionTab("ESPEnts", t);
- me:ChatPrint("Added " .. v);
- end);
- function SH.Antisnap(ang)
- ang.p = g.math.NormalizeAngle(ang.p);
- ang.y = g.math.NormalizeAngle(ang.y);
- lpang = me:EyeAngles();
- local as = SH.GetCVNum("sh_antisnapspeed");
- lpang.p = g.math.Approach(lpang.p, ang.p, as)
- lpang.y = g.math.Approach(lpang.y, ang.y, as)
- lpang.r = 0;
- ang = lpang;
- return ang;
- end
- function SH.Aimbot(uc)
- if(not SH.vars.aim) then return; end
- if(g.SH_COMMANDNUMBER(uc) == 0) then return; end
- local ply = SH.GetAimTarg();
- if(ply == 0) then SH.vars.tlock = false; SH:SetVar("aimang", nil); return; end
- SH:SetVar("aimtarg",ply);
- local pos, ang = SH.GetShootPos(ply);
- pos = pos + ply:GetVelocity()/50 - me:GetVelocity()/50 - g.Vector(0,0,0);
- pos = pos - g.Vector(SH.GetCVNum("sh_aimoffset_hoz"), 0, SH.GetCVNum("sh_aimoffset_vert"));
- ang = (pos-me:GetShootPos()):Angle();
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_antisnap") == 1) then
- ang = SH.Antisnap(ang);
- end
- SH:SetVar("aimang", ang);
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_nospread") == 1) then
- ang = SH.PredictSpread(uc, ang);
- end
- ang.p, ang.y, ang.r = g.math.NormalizeAngle(ang.p), g.math.NormalizeAngle(ang.y), g.math.NormalizeAngle(ang.r);
- SH:SetVar("tlock",true);
- r.CUserCmd.SetViewAngles(uc, ang);
- end
- SH:RegisterCommand("+sh_aim", function() SH:SetVar("aim",true); end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("-sh_aim", function()
- SH:SetVar("aim",false);
- SH:SetVar("aimtarg",nil);
- SH:SetVar("aimang", nil);
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_toggleaim", function()
- if(not SH.vars.aim) then
- SH:SetVar("aim",true);
- else
- SH:SetVar("aim",false);
- SH:SetVar("aimtarg",nil);
- SH:SetVar("aimang", nil);
- end
- end);
- function SH.ClientNoClipCM(uc)
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_clientnoclip") == 1) then
- uc:SetForwardMove(0);
- uc:SetSideMove(0);
- uc:SetUpMove(0);
- end
- end
- function SH.CreateMove(uc)
- SH.Aimbot(uc);
- SH.Triggerbot(uc);
- SH.Autoreload(uc);
- SH.ClientNoClipCM(uc);
- end
- SH:RegisterHook("CreateMove", SH.CreateMove);
- SH:RegisterHook("InputMouseApply", function(cmd, x, y, angle)
- if(SH.vars.tlock and SH.vars.aim) then return true; end
- end);
- SH:RegisterHook("StartChat", function()
- SH.vars.chatting = true;
- return oldHookCall("StartChat", GAMEMODE or GM, nil);
- end);
- SH:RegisterHook("FinishChat", function()
- SH.vars.chatting = false;
- end);
- function SH.CalcView(ply, pos, angles, fov)
- if(g.ValidEntity(me:GetActiveWeapon()) and me:GetActiveWeapon().Primary and SH.GetCVNum("sh_norecoil") == 1) then
- me:GetActiveWeapon().Primary.Recoil = 0;
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_disablecalcview") == 1) then
- return GAMEMODE:CalcView(ply, pos, angles, fov);
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_clientnoclip") == 1 and SH.CP) then
- angles = angles:Forward();
- if(me:KeyDown(g.IN_FORWARD)) then
- local tr = g.util.TraceLine({start = SH.CP, endpos = SH.CP + angles * g.FrameTime() * SH.GetCVNum("sh_clientnoclip_speed"), mask = g.COLLISION_GROUP_WORLD});
- SH.CP = tr.HitPos;
- end
- if(me:KeyDown(g.IN_BACK)) then
- local tr = g.util.TraceLine({start = SH.CP, endpos = SH.CP + angles * g.FrameTime() * SH.GetCVNum("sh_clientnoclip_speed") * -1, mask = g.COLLISION_GROUP_WORLD});
- SH.CP = tr.HitPos;
- end
- if(me:KeyDown(g.IN_MOVELEFT)) then
- local tr = g.util.TraceLine({start = SH.CP, endpos = SH.CP + angles:Angle():Right() * g.FrameTime() * SH.GetCVNum("sh_clientnoclip_speed") * -1, mask = g.COLLISION_GROUP_WORLD});
- SH.CP = tr.HitPos;
- end
- if(me:KeyDown(g.IN_MOVERIGHT)) then
- local tr = g.util.TraceLine({start = SH.CP, endpos = SH.CP + angles:Angle():Right() * g.FrameTime() * SH.GetCVNum("sh_clientnoclip_speed"), mask = g.COLLISION_GROUP_WORLD});
- SH.CP = tr.HitPos;
- end
- return({origin = SH.CP});
- end
- if(SH.vars.aimang) then
- angles = SH.vars.aimang;
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_thirdperson") == 1) then
- return({origin = pos - (angles:Forward() * (50 + SH.GetCVNum("sh_thirdperson_dist")))});
- end
- local cfov = SH.GetCVNum("sh_fov");
- if(cfov ~= 0) then
- return({fov = cfov});
- end
- return GAMEMODE:CalcView(ply, pos, angles, fov);
- end
- SH:RegisterHook("CalcView", SH.CalcView)
- function SH.SDLP()
- return(SH.GetCVNum("sh_thirdperson") == 1);
- end
- SH:RegisterHook( "ShouldDrawLocalPlayer", SH.SDLP);
- function SH.AddTracePlayer()
- local ent = me:GetEyeTrace().Entity;
- if(not g.ValidEntity(ent) or not ent:IsPlayer()) then return; end
- me:ChatPrint("Added/Removed " .. ent:Nick() .. " to friends!");
- if(not g.table.HasValue(SH.aimfriends, ent)) then
- g.table.insert(SH.aimfriends, ent);
- return;
- end
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.aimfriends) do
- if(v == ent) then
- g.table.remove(SH.aimfriends, k);
- break
- end
- end
- end
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_addtracebuddy", SH.AddTracePlayer);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_runscripts", g.SH_RUNSCRIPTS);
- SH:RegisterHook("InitPostEntity", function()
- SH.UpdateMenu();
- g.SH_SETCVAR(g.CreateConVar("sv_allow_voice_from_file", ""), "1");
- for k, v in g.pairs(g.team.GetAllTeams()) do
- if(k ~= 0 and k ~= 1001 and k ~= 1002) then
- g.table.insert(SH.teamlist, v);
- end
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_iplogs") == 1) then
- else
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_clientnoclip") == 1) then
- SH.CP = g.LocalPlayer():EyePos();
- end
- if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_runscripts_auto") == 1) then
- end
- GAMEMODE.AchievementThink = function() end
- end);
- g.cvars.AddChangeCallback(SH.tvars["sh_panicmode"][2], function(cvar, old, new)
- if(g.tostring(new) == "1") then
- if(menu.frame) then menu.frame:Remove(); menu.frame = nil; end
- end
- end);
- g.cvars.AddChangeCallback(SH.tvars["sh_iplogs"][2], function(cvar, old, new)
- if(g.tostring(new) == "1") then
- else
- end
- end);
- g.cvars.AddChangeCallback(SH.tvars["sh_clientnoclip"][2], function(cvar, old, new)
- if(g.tostring(new) == "1") then
- SH.CP = me:EyePos();
- else
- end
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_addespent", function(ply, cmd, args)
- if(not args[1]) then
- SH.sprint("Usage: sh_addespent <entclass>");
- return;
- end
- local ent = args[1];
- SH.custe[ent] = true;
- local t = SH.data.GetOptionTab("ESPEnts") or {};
- t[ent] = true;
- SH.data.SetOptionTab("ESPEnts", t);
- SH.sprint("Added entity to esp ents list!");
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_luarun", function(ply, cmd, args)
- g.SH_LUARUN(args[1]);
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_forcecvar", function(ply, cmd, args)
- if(not args[2]) then return; end
- g.SH_SETCVAR(g.GetConVar(args[1]), tostring(args[2]));
- SH.sprint("Forced " .. tostring(args[1]) .. " to " .. tostring(args[2]));
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_blockcc", function(ply, cmd, args)
- if(not args[1]) then return; end
- g.table.insert(SH.blockccs, tostring(args[1]));
- SH.sprint("Blocked command " .. tostring(args[1]));
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_allowcc", function(ply, cmd, args)
- if(not args[1]) then return; end
- if(not g.table.HasValue(SH.blockccs, tostring(args[1]))) then
- SH.sprint("Command " .. tostring(args[1]) .. " isn't blocked!");
- else
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.blockccs) do
- if(v == tostring(args[1])) then
- g.table.remove(SH.blockccs, k);
- end
- end
- SH.sprint("Allowed command " .. tostring(args[1]));
- end
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("sh_clearccs", function(ply, cmd, args)
- SH.blockccs = {};
- SH.sprint("Removed all ConCommand blocks!");
- end);
- local oSVC = "1";
- SH:RegisterCommand("+sh_freeze", function(ply, cmd, args)
- g.SH_SETCVAR(g.GetConVar("cl_predict"), "0");
- oSVC = g.GetConVarString("sv_client_predict");
- g.SH_SETCVAR(g.GetConVar("sv_client_predict"), "-1");
- g.SH_SETCVAR(g.GetConVar("net_blockmsg"), "clc_Move");
- end);
- SH:RegisterCommand("-sh_freeze", function(ply, cmd, args)
- g.SH_SETCVAR(g.GetConVar("cl_predict"), "1");
- g.SH_SETCVAR(g.GetConVar("sv_client_predict"), oSVC);
- g.SH_SETCVAR(g.GetConVar("net_blockmsg"), "0");
- end);
- function SH.ConAddEntry(txt)
- vConEntry:RequestFocus();
- if(g.string.len(txt) < 1) then return; end
- local args = g.string.Explode(" ", txt);
- local cmd = args[1];
- g.table.remove(args, 1);
- if(cmd == "sh_luarun") then
- args = {g.string.Replace(txt, "sh_luarun ", "")};
- end
- g.table.insert(tConHistory, "] "..txt);
- vConHistory:AddLine("] "..txt);
- if(not SH.cmds[cmd]) then
- local ucm = "Unknown command: " .. txt .. ". Type 'help' for a list of commands.";
- g.table.insert(tConHistory, ucm);
- vConHistory:AddLine(ucm);
- else
- SH.cmds[cmd](me, cmd, args);
- end
- vConHistory:PerformLayout();
- vConHistory.VBar:SetScroll(vConHistory.VBar.CanvasSize);
- vConEntry:SetText("");
- end
- function SH.ConToggle()
- vConFrame = vgui.Create("DFrame");
- vConFrame:SetSize(750, 500);
- vConFrame:SetPos(50, 50);
- vConFrame:SetTitle("SethHack Console");
- vConFrame:ShowCloseButton(true);
- vConFrame:MakePopup();
- function vConFrame:Think()
- if(g.input.IsKeyDown(g.KEY_ESCAPE)) then
- g.SH_PURECC("cancelselect");
- self:Remove();
- end
- end
- vConHistory = vgui.Create("DListView", vConFrame);
- vConHistory:SetMultiSelect(false);
- vConHistory:SetSize(740, 440);
- vConHistory:SetPos(5, 27);
- vConHistory:SetSortable(false);
- vConHistory:AddColumn("");
- vConEntry = vgui.Create("DTextEntry", vConFrame);
- vConEntry:SetMultiline(false);
- vConEntry:SetSize(650, 20);
- vConEntry:SetPos(15, 472);
- function vConEntry:OnEnter()
- SH.vars.LastCommand = vConEntry:GetText();
- SH.ConAddEntry(vConEntry:GetText());
- end
- function vConEntry:Think()
- vConEntry:RequestFocus();
- end
- vConEnter = vgui.Create("DButton", vConFrame);
- vConEnter:SetSize(50, 20);
- vConEnter:SetPos(675, 472);
- vConEnter:SetText("Submit");
- function vConEnter:DoClick()
- SH.vars.LastCommand = vConEntry:GetText();
- SH.ConAddEntry(vConEntry:GetText());
- end
- for k, v in pairs(tConHistory) do
- vConHistory:AddLine(v);
- end
- end
- SH.urbinds={};
- SH.bindcooldown = {};
- local togglecooldown;
- SH:RegisterHook("HUDPaintBackground", function()
- if(not g.IsValid(vConFrame)) then
- if(g.input.IsKeyDown(g.KEY_Q) and (g.input.IsKeyDown(g.KEY_TAB) or g.input.IsKeyDown(g.KEY_LALT))) then
- if(not togglecooldown or togglecooldown < g.CurTime()) then
- SH.ConToggle();
- togglecooldown = g.CurTime() + 1;
- end
- end
- else
- if(g.input.IsKeyDown(g.KEY_Q) and (g.input.IsKeyDown(g.KEY_TAB) or g.input.IsKeyDown(g.KEY_LALT))) then
- if(not togglecooldown or togglecooldown < g.CurTime()) then
- if(g.IsValid(vConFrame)) then
- vConFrame:Remove();
- vConFrame = nil;
- togglecooldown = g.CurTime() + 1;
- return;
- end
- end
- end
- if(g.input.IsKeyDown(g.KEY_UP)) then
- if(SH.vars.LastCommand ~= "") then
- vConEntry:SetText(SH.vars.LastCommand);
- vConEntry:SetCaretPos(g.string.len(SH.vars.LastCommand));
- end
- end
- local arr = vConEntry:GetText();
- if(arr and g.string.len(arr) >= 1) then
- local cmdarr = {};
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.cmds) do
- if(g.string.find(k, arr)) then
- g.table.insert(cmdarr, k);
- end
- end
- local pos = 560;
- for i = 1, 5 do
- if(cmdarr[i]) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.cvars) do
- if(v[1] == cmdarr[i]) then
- if(g.type(v[1]) == "number") then
- cmdarr[i] = cmdarr[i] .. " ["..SH.GetCVNum(v[1]).."]";
- elseif(g.type(v[1]) == "string") then
- cmdarr[i] = cmdarr[i] .. " ["..SH.GetCVStr(v[1]).."]";
- end
- end
- end
- g.draw.SimpleTextOutlined(cmdarr[i],
- "Trebuchet22",
- 70, pos,
- g.Color(255, 204, 102, 255),
- 1,
- g.Color(0, 0, 0, 255));
- pos = pos + 25;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if(SH.vars.chatting) then return; end
- if(_G.openAura and _G.openAura.chatBox and _G.openAura.chatBox.panel and _G.openAura.chatBox.panel:IsVisible()) then return; end
- if(_G.blueprint and _G.blueprint.chatBox and _G.blueprint.chatBox.panel and _G.blueprint.chatBox.panel:IsVisible()) then return; end
- if(_G.blackbox and _G.blackbox.chatBox and _G.blackbox.chatBox.panel and _G.blackbox.chatBox.panel:IsVisible()) then return; end
- if(_G.STGamemodes and _G.STGamemodes.ChatBox and _G.STGamemodes.ChatBox.Panel and _G.STGamemodes.ChatBox.Panel:IsVisible()) then return; end
- if(_G.g_SpawnMenu and _G.g_SpawnMenu:IsVisible()) then return; end
- if(_G.g_ContextMenu and _G.g_ContextMenu:IsVisible()) then return; end
- if(_G.chaton) then return; end
- if(g.IsValid(vConFrame)) then return; end
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.binds) do
- if((g.input.IsKeyDown(g[k]) or (g.string.find(k, "MOUSE") and g.input.IsMouseDown(g[k]))) and SH.cmds[v]) then
- if(not SH.urbinds[v] and (not SH.bindcooldown[v] or SH.bindcooldown[v] < g.CurTime())) then
- SH.cmds[v](me, v, {});
- if(g.string.sub(g.string.reverse(v), -1) == "+") then
- SH.urbinds[v] = true;
- else
- SH.bindcooldown[v] = g.CurTime() + 0.75;
- end
- end
- else
- if(SH.urbinds[v]) then
- if(g.string.sub(g.string.reverse(v), -1) == "+") then
- local nv = g.string.Replace(v, "+", "-");
- SH.cmds[nv](me, nv, {});
- SH.urbinds[v] = nil;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end);
- -- MENU
- local mwidth = 500;
- local mheight = 435;
- local SelectedWindow = "Aimbot";
- local function fentsGetAll()
- local t = {};
- for k, v in g.ipairs(g_ents) do
- if(g.ValidEntity(v)) then
- if(not g.table.HasValue(t, v:GetClass())) then
- g.table.insert(t, v:GetClass());
- end
- end
- end
- return t;
- end
- function SH.CreateOption(dtype, parent, tooltip, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9)
- if(not parent) then return; end
- if(dtype == "Checkbox") then
- dtype = "DCheckBoxLabel";
- local text, cvar, x, y = o1, o2, o3, o4;
- local dele = vgui.Create(dtype, parent);
- dele:SetText(text);
- dele:SetConVar(SH.tvars[cvar][2]);
- dele:SetValue(SH.GetCVNum(cvar));
- dele:SetPos(x, y);
- dele:SizeToContents();
- dele:SetTextColor(g.color_white);
- if(tooltip ~= "") then
- dele:SetTooltip(tooltip);
- end
- elseif(dtype == "Slider") then
- dtype = "DNumSlider";
- local text, cvar, dec, min, max, wide, x, y = o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8;
- local dele = vgui.Create(dtype, parent);
- dele:SetPos(x, y);
- dele:SetWide(wide);
- dele:SetText(text);
- dele:SetMin(min);
- dele:SetMax(max);
- dele:SetDecimals(dec);
- dele:SetConVar(SH.tvars[cvar][2]);
- if(tooltip ~= "") then
- dele:SetTooltip(tooltip);
- end
- elseif(dtype == "Label") then
- dtype = "DLabel";
- local text, x, y = o1, o2, o3;
- local dele = vgui.Create(dtype, parent);
- dele:SetPos(x, y);
- dele:SetText(text);
- dele:SizeToContents();
- dele:SetTextColor(g.color_white);
- end
- end
- function SH.CreateButton(txt, szw, szh, psw, psh, parent, func)
- if(not parent) then return; end
- local button = vgui.Create("DButton", parent);
- button:SetText(txt);
- button:SetSize(szw, szh);
- button:SetPos(psw, psh);
- button:SetVisible(true);
- function button:Paint()
- g.draw.RoundedBox(8, 0, 0, self:GetWide(), self:GetTall(), Color(104, 104, 104, 225));
- end
- button.DoClick = func or function()
- SelectedWindow = txt;
- SH.Menu();
- g.surface.PlaySound("ambient/levels/canals/drip4.wav");
- end
- local panel;
- if(txt == SelectedWindow) then
- panel = vgui.Create("DPanel", menu.frame);
- panel:SetPos(135,85);
- panel:SetSize(345,335);
- function panel:Paint() end
- end
- return button, panel;
- end
- local SKIN = g.setmetatable({}, {
- __index = function(t, k)
- return derma.GetDefaultSkin()[k];
- end,
- });
- function SKIN:PaintCheckBox(panel)
- local w, h = panel:GetSize();
- draw.RoundedBox(4, 1, 1, w-2, h-2, g.Color(210, 210, 210, 205));
- end
- function SKIN:SchemeCheckBox(panel)
- panel:SetTextColor(g.Color(0, 85, 255, 255));
- DSysButton.ApplySchemeSettings(panel);
- end
- function SKIN:SchemeSlider(panel)
- panel.Knob:SetImageColor(g.Color(0, 85, 255, 255));
- end
- g.surface.CreateFont("coolvetica", 64, 500, true, false, "shmenufont");
- function SH.Menu()
- if(menu.frame) then menu.frame:Remove(); end
- menu.frame = vgui.Create("DFrame");
- menu.frame:SetPos(g.ScrW()/2-184, g.ScrH()/2-155);
- menu.frame:SetSize(mwidth, mheight);
- menu.frame:SetTitle("");
- menu.frame:SetVisible(true);
- menu.frame:SetDraggable(false);
- menu.frame:SetSizable(false);
- menu.frame:ShowCloseButton(false);
- menu.frame:MakePopup();
- function menu.frame:GetSkin()
- return SKIN;
- end
- function menu.frame:Paint()
- g.draw.RoundedBox(7, 0, 0, self:GetWide(), self:GetTall(), g.Color(
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_menu_r"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_menu_g"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_menu_b"),
- SH.GetCVNum("sh_color_menu_a")));
- g.draw.SimpleText("SethHack", "shmenufont", 215, 10, g.Color(210, 210, 210, 235), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
- g.draw.SimpleText("V4", "shmenufont", 365, 10, g.Color(0, 192, 255, 235), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
- g.draw.SimpleText("sethhack.net", "DefaultBold", 355, 60, g.Color(210, 210, 210, 235), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
- end
- menu.aimbutton, menu.aimpanel = SH.CreateButton("Aimbot", 75, 20, 15, 85, menu.frame);
- menu.friendsbutton, menu.friendspanel = SH.CreateButton("Friends", 75, 20, 15, 125, menu.frame);
- menu.teamsbutton, menu.teamspanel = SH.CreateButton("Teams", 75, 20, 15, 165, menu.frame);
- menu.custebutton, menu.custepanel = SH.CreateButton("Custom Ents", 75, 20, 15, 205, menu.frame);
- menu.espbutton, menu.esppanel = SH.CreateButton("ESP/Wallhack", 75, 20, 15, 245, menu.frame);
- menu.miscbutton, menu.miscpanel = SH.CreateButton("Misc", 75, 20, 15, 285, menu.frame);
- menu.configbutton, menu.configpanel = SH.CreateButton("Configurations", 75, 20, 15, 325, menu.frame);
- menu.iplogbutton, menu.iplogpanel = SH.CreateButton("IP Logs", 75, 20, 15, 365, menu.frame);
- menu.loggerbutton, menu.loggerpanel = SH.CreateButton("Logger", 75, 20, 15, 405, menu.frame);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Automatically fires when locked on to an enemy", "Triggerbot", "sh_triggerbot", 0, 0);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel,
- "Automatically fires when looking at an enemy (does not require aimbot)",
- "Triggerbot (Always Shoot)", "sh_triggerbot_as", 0, 20);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Predicts the spread on weapons, making them more accurate", "Nospread", "sh_nospread", 0, 40);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Smoothly turns your aim to face the target", "Antisnap", "sh_antisnap", 0, 60);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Allows the aimbot to target members of your team", "Friendly Fire", "sh_friendlyfire", 0, 80);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Allows the aimbot to target players", "Target Players", "sh_targetplayers", 0, 100);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Allows the aimbot to target NPCs", "Target NPCs", "sh_targetnpcs", 0, 120);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Allows the aimbot to target custom entities on the ESP Entities list", "Target Entities", "sh_targetents", 0, 140);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Stops the aimbot from targetting Steam friends", "Ignore Steam Friends", "sh_ignorefriends", 0, 160);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Do not target players who don't have a weapon", "Ignore Weaponless Players", "sh_ignorenowep", 0, 180);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Allows the aimbot to target people through walls and other objects", "Don't check LOS", "sh_dclos", 0, 200);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Forces the aimbot to target bones instead of attachments. Required for bone selection.", "Target Bones", "sh_targetbones", 0, 220);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Aimbot ignores admins/superadmins.", "Ignore Admins", "sh_ignoreadmins", 0, 240);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Do not target other traitors (if you're a traitor)", "Ignore Traitors (TTT)", "sh_ignoretraitors", 185, 0);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.aimpanel, "Do not target other innocents (if you're innocent)", "Ignore Innocents (TTT)", "sh_targettraitors", 185, 20);
- SH.CreateOption("Slider", menu.aimpanel, "Targets a certain amount left/right from the target's head", "Aim Offset (Hrzntl.)", "sh_aimoffset_hoz", 1, -50, 50, 150, 180, 165);
- SH.CreateOption("Slider", menu.aimpanel, "Targets a certain amount down from the target's head", "Aim Offset (Vertical)", "sh_aimoffset_vert", 1, -50, 50, 150, 180, 205);
- SH.CreateOption("Slider", menu.aimpanel, "Controls how far around your aimbot can target people (degrees)", "Max FOV", "sh_maxfov", 0, 1, 180, 150, 180, 245);
- SH.CreateOption("Slider", menu.aimpanel, "Controls the speed of the Antisnap", "Antisnap Speed", "sh_antisnapspeed", 1, 0, 20, 150, 180, 285);
- SH.CreateOption("Label", menu.aimpanel, nil, "Bone:", 46, 285);
- SH.CreateOption("Label", menu.friendspanel, nil, "Players", 30, 0);
- SH.CreateOption("Label", menu.friendspanel, nil, "Friends", 250, 0);
- SH.CreateOption("Label", menu.teamspanel, nil, "Teams", 25, 0);
- SH.CreateOption("Label", menu.teamspanel, nil, "Whitelist", 250, 0);
- SH.CreateOption("Label", menu.custepanel, nil, "Entities", 25, 0);
- SH.CreateOption("Label", menu.custepanel, nil, "List", 250, 0);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.esppanel, "Show player's name, health, weapon, and more above their head", "ESP", "sh_esp", 0, 0);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.esppanel, "Allows you to see players and NPCs through walls and other objects", "Wallhack", "sh_wallhack", 0, 20);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.esppanel, "Turns players, props, weapons, and more into wireframe", "Wireframe Chams", "sh_wireframe", 0, 40);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.esppanel, "Turns players, props, weapons, and more into solid chams", "Solid Chams", "sh_solids", 0, 60);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.esppanel, "Shows a list of admins and superadmins in the top right of the screen", "Show Admins", "sh_showadmins", 0, 80);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.esppanel, "Shows a list of what the drug dealer is current buying/selling in the top left of the screen", "Show Druggy Stock (PERP)", "sh_showdruggy", 0, 100);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.esppanel, "Shows a players distance on the esp", "Show Distance", "sh_esp_showdist", 0, 120);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.esppanel, "Shows players GangWars gangs", "Show GangWars Gangs", "sh_esp_showgangs", 0, 140);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.esppanel, "Shows a laser eye trace to player's view positions", "Laser Eyes", "sh_lasereyes", 0, 160);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.esppanel, "Shows a laser eye trace from your weapon to your hit position", "Laser Sights", "sh_lasersights", 0, 180);
- SH.CreateOption("Slider", menu.esppanel, "The maximum distance that players can be for the ESP to show them",
- "Max ESP Dist", "sh_esp_dist", 0, 1, 25000, 150, 180, 245);
- SH.CreateOption("Slider", menu.esppanel, "The maximum distance that players can be for the Wallhack to show them",
- "Max Wallhack Dist", "sh_wallhack_dist", 0, 1, 25000, 150, 180, 285);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Automatically reloads your weapon when you have no ammo", "Autoreload", "sh_autoreload", 0, 0);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Blocks RunConsoleCommand and :ConCommand() from being used", "Block RunConsoleCommand", "sh_blockrcc", 0, 20);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Puts your view into thirdperson mode", "Thirdperson", "sh_thirdperson", 0, 40);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Logs functions such as RunConsoleCommand and file.Exists", "Console Logging", "sh_logging_console", 0, 60);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Disables custom view", "Disable CalcView", "sh_disablecalcview", 0, 80);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Bypass ULX's gag (voicemute) system", "Bypass ULX Gag", "sh_ulxungag", 0, 100);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Turn off every single SethHack feature", "Panic Mode", "sh_panicmode", 0, 120);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Disable recoil for weapons. Needs a respawn to disable.", "No-Recoil", "sh_norecoil", 0, 140);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Randomly change your name to that of other players.", "Name-Changer", "sh_namechange", 0, 160);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Jump the moment you touch the ground if you are holding space", "Bunnyhop", "sh_bhop", 0, 180);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Shows connecting player's IP in your console", "IP Logging", "sh_iplogs", 0, 200);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Enables a clientside noclip", "Client Noclip", "sh_clientnoclip", 0, 220);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.miscpanel, "Prints into chatbox when an admin spectates you!", "Show Spectators", "sh_showspectators", 0, 240);
- SH.CreateOption("Slider", menu.miscpanel, "Speed of the clientside noclip", "Client Noclip Speed", "sh_clientnoclip_speed", 0, 200, 2000, 150, 180, 165);
- SH.CreateOption("Slider", menu.miscpanel, "Your view's field-of-view (FOV). Set to 0 to disable", "Field-Of-View", "sh_fov", 0, 0, 90, 150, 180, 205);
- SH.CreateOption("Slider", menu.miscpanel,
- "The distance that the thirdperson camera is from yourself",
- "Thirdperson Distance", "sh_thirdperson_dist", 0, 0, 200, 150, 180, 245);
- SH.CreateOption("Slider", menu.miscpanel, "The speed of the speedhack", "Speedhack Speed", "sh_speedhack_speed", 2, 1, 25, 150, 180, 285);
- SH.CreateButton("Blow C4s (TTT)", 85, 20, 0, 290, menu.miscpanel, SH.BlowC4);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.friendspanel, "Makes the friends list an enemy list", "Friends List is Enemy List", "sh_friendisenemy", 95, 255);
- SH.CreateOption("Checkbox", menu.teamspanel, "Makes the teams list an enemy list", "Teams List is Enemy List", "sh_teamisenemy", 95, 255);
- SH.CreateOption("Label", menu.configpanel, nil, [[
- Custom configurations allow you to save all SethHack settings
- under a specified name, and restore the exact same settings
- at a later time!]], 5, 260);
- SH.CreateOption("Label", menu.friendspanel, nil, [[
- Players added to the friends list will not be targetted
- by the aimbot. If the above box is checked, only players
- on this list will be targetted.]], 15, 280);
- SH.CreateOption("Label", menu.teamspanel, nil, [[
- Players on teams added to the friends list will not be
- targetted by the aimbot. If the above box is checked,
- only players on teams on this list will be targetted.]], 15, 280);
- SH.CreateOption("Label", menu.custepanel, nil, [[
- Entities added to this list will be shown on the ESP.]], 15, 290);
- if(menu.aimpanel) then
- local List = vgui.Create("DMultiChoice", menu.aimpanel);
- List:SetPos(0, 300);
- List:SetSize(125, 20);
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.nicebones) do
- List:AddChoice(v[1]);
- end
- List:SetConVar(SH.tvars["sh_aimbone"][2]);
- g.timer.Simple(0.01, function()
- List:SetText(SH.GetCVStr("sh_aimbone"));
- end);
- List:SetEditable(false);
- end
- local FriendsList, TeamList, EntsList;
- local CloseButton = vgui.Create("DSysButton", menu.frame);
- CloseButton:SetType("close");
- CloseButton:SetPos(481, 2);
- CloseButton:SetSize(15, 15);
- CloseButton.DoClick = function() if(menu.frame) then menu.frame:Remove(); menu.frame = nil; end end;
- if(menu.friendspanel) then
- --[[ Friends List --]]
- local FriendsList;
- local function FList()
- FriendsList = vgui.Create("DComboBox", menu.friendspanel)
- FriendsList:SetPos(0, 25);
- FriendsList:SetSize(110, 180);
- FriendsList:SetMultiple(false);
- for k, v in g.pairs(g_players) do
- if(v ~= me and not g.table.HasValue(SH.aimfriends, v)) then
- local i = FriendsList:AddItem(v:Nick());
- i:SetTooltip(v:Nick());
- end
- end
- end
- FList();
- local FriendsListC;
- local function FListC()
- FriendsListC = vgui.Create("DComboBox", menu.friendspanel);
- FriendsListC:SetPos(225, 25);
- FriendsListC:SetSize(110, 180);
- FriendsListC:SetMultiple(false);
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.aimfriends) do
- local i = FriendsListC:AddItem(v:Nick());
- i:SetTooltip(v:Nick());
- end
- end
- FListC()
- local FriendsListAdd = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.friendspanel);
- FriendsListAdd:SetPos(20, 215);
- FriendsListAdd:SetText("Add");
- FriendsListAdd.DoClick = function()
- if(FriendsList:GetSelectedItems() and FriendsList:GetSelectedItems()[1]) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(g_players) do
- if(v:Nick() == FriendsList:GetSelectedItems()[1]:GetValue()) then
- g.table.insert(SH.aimfriends, v);
- me:ChatPrint("Added " .. v:Nick());
- end
- end
- end
- FList();
- FListC();
- end
- local FriendsListRem = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.friendspanel);
- FriendsListRem:SetPos(240, 215);
- FriendsListRem:SetText("Remove");
- FriendsListRem.DoClick = function()
- if(FriendsListC:GetSelectedItems() and FriendsListC:GetSelectedItems()[1]) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.aimfriends) do
- if(v:Nick() == FriendsListC:GetSelectedItems()[1]:GetValue()) then
- g.table.remove(SH.aimfriends, k);
- me:ChatPrint("Removed " .. v:Nick());
- end
- end
- end
- FListC();
- FList();
- end
- end
- if(menu.teamspanel) then
- local function TList()
- TeamList = vgui.Create("DComboBox", menu.teamspanel);
- TeamList:SetPos(0, 25);
- TeamList:SetSize(110, 180);
- TeamList:SetMultiple(false);
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.teamlist) do
- if(not g.table.HasValue(SH.aimteams,v.Name)) then
- local i = TeamList:AddItem(v.Name);
- i:SetTooltip(v.Name);
- end
- end
- end
- TList()
- local TeamListC
- local function TListC()
- TeamListC = vgui.Create("DComboBox", menu.teamspanel);
- TeamListC:SetPos(225, 25);
- TeamListC:SetSize(110, 180);
- TeamListC:SetMultiple(false);
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.aimteams) do
- local i = TeamListC:AddItem(v);
- i:SetTooltip(v);
- end
- end
- TListC();
- local TeamListAdd = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.teamspanel);
- TeamListAdd:SetPos(20, 215);
- TeamListAdd:SetText("Add");
- TeamListAdd.DoClick = function()
- if(TeamList:GetSelectedItems() and TeamList:GetSelectedItems()[1]) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.teamlist) do
- if(v.Name == TeamList:GetSelectedItems()[1]:GetValue()) then
- g.table.insert(SH.aimteams, v.Name);
- me:ChatPrint("Added " .. v.Name);
- end
- end
- end
- TList();
- TListC();
- end
- local TeamListRem = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.teamspanel);
- TeamListRem:SetPos(240, 215);
- TeamListRem:SetText("Remove");
- TeamListRem.DoClick = function()
- if(TeamListC:GetSelectedItems() and TeamListC:GetSelectedItems()[1]) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.aimteams) do
- if(v == TeamListC:GetSelectedItems()[1]:GetValue()) then
- table.remove(SH.aimteams, k );
- me:ChatPrint("Removed " .. v);
- end
- end
- end
- TListC();
- TList();
- end
- end
- if(menu.custepanel) then
- local function EList()
- EntsList = vgui.Create("DComboBox", menu.custepanel)
- EntsList:SetPos(0, 25);
- EntsList:SetSize(110, 180);
- EntsList:SetMultiple(false);
- for k, v in g.pairs(fentsGetAll()) do
- if(not SH.custe[v]) then
- local i = EntsList:AddItem(v);
- i:SetTooltip(v);
- end
- end
- end
- EList();
- local EntsListC;
- local function EListC()
- EntsListC = vgui.Create("DComboBox", menu.custepanel);
- EntsListC:SetPos(225, 25);
- EntsListC:SetSize(110, 180);
- EntsListC:SetMultiple(false);
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.custe) do
- local i = EntsListC:AddItem(k);
- i:SetTooltip(k);
- end
- end
- EListC();
- local EntsListAdd = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.custepanel);
- EntsListAdd:SetPos(20, 215);
- EntsListAdd:SetText("Add");
- EntsListAdd.DoClick = function()
- if(EntsList:GetSelectedItems() and EntsList:GetSelectedItems()[1]) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(fentsGetAll()) do
- if(v == EntsList:GetSelectedItems()[1]:GetValue()) then
- SH.custe[v] = true;
- local t = SH.data.GetOptionTab("ESPEnts") or {};
- t[v] = true;
- SH.data.SetOptionTab("ESPEnts", t);
- me:ChatPrint("Added " .. v);
- end
- end
- end
- EList();
- EListC();
- end
- local EntsListRem = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.custepanel);
- EntsListRem:SetPos(240, 215);
- EntsListRem:SetText("Remove");
- EntsListRem.DoClick = function()
- if(EntsListC:GetSelectedItems() and EntsListC:GetSelectedItems()[1]) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.custe) do
- if(k == EntsListC:GetSelectedItems()[1]:GetValue()) then
- SH.custe[k] = nil;
- local t = SH.data.GetOptionTab("ESPEnts") or {};
- t[k] = nil;
- SH.data.SetOptionTab("ESPEnts", t);
- me:ChatPrint("Removed " .. k);
- end
- end
- end
- EListC();
- EList();
- end
- local EntsListClr = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.custepanel);
- EntsListClr:SetPos(135, 145);
- EntsListClr:SetText("Clear");
- EntsListClr.DoClick = function()
- SH.custe = {};
- SH.data.SetOptionTab("ESPEnts", SH.custe);
- EListC();
- EList();
- end
- end
- if(menu.configpanel) then
- local ConfigList;
- local function CList()
- ConfigList = vgui.Create("DComboBox", menu.configpanel)
- ConfigList:SetPos(0, 25);
- ConfigList:SetSize(305, 175);
- ConfigList:SetMultiple(false);
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.configs) do
- ConfigList:AddItem(k);
- end
- end
- CList();
- local ConfigListUse = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.configpanel);
- ConfigListUse:SetPos(5, 215);
- ConfigListUse:SetSize(85, 20);
- ConfigListUse:SetText("Use Selected");
- ConfigListUse.DoClick = function()
- if(ConfigList:GetSelectedItems() and ConfigList:GetSelectedItems()[1]) then
- local txt = ConfigList:GetSelectedItems()[1]:GetText();
- if(SH.configs[txt]) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.configs[txt]) do
- if(SH.tvars[v[1]] and SH.tvars[v[1]][2]) then
- g.RunConsoleCommand(SH.tvars[v[1]][2], v[2]);
- end
- end
- me:ChatPrint("Enabled " .. txt .. " config!");
- end
- end
- end
- local ConfigListDelete = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.configpanel);
- ConfigListDelete:SetPos(110, 215);
- ConfigListDelete:SetSize(85, 20);
- ConfigListDelete:SetText("Delete Selected");
- ConfigListDelete.DoClick = function()
- if(ConfigList:GetSelectedItems() and ConfigList:GetSelectedItems()[1]) then
- local txt = ConfigList:GetSelectedItems()[1]:GetText();
- if(txt == "Default") then
- me:ChatPrint("You can't delete the default configuration!");
- return;
- end
- local t = SH.data.GetOptionTab("Configs") or {};
- t[txt] = nil;
- SH.data.SetOptionTab("Configs", t);
- SH.configs[txt] = nil;
- me:ChatPrint("Deleted config " .. txt);
- CList();
- end
- end
- local ConfigListSave = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.configpanel);
- ConfigListSave:SetPos(215, 215);
- ConfigListSave:SetSize(85, 20);
- ConfigListSave:SetText("Save Current");
- ConfigListSave.DoClick = function()
- g.gui.EnableScreenClicker(true);
- SH.vars.chatting = true;
- g.Derma_StringRequest("Config Name", "Enter a name for this configuration.",
- ((ConfigList:GetSelectedItems() and ConfigList:GetSelectedItems()[1]) and ConfigList:GetSelectedItems()[1]:GetText()) or "",
- function(n)
- g.gui.EnableScreenClicker(false);
- SH.vars.chatting = false;
- if(not n or g.string.len(n) < 2) then
- me:ChatPrint("Please enter a config name!");
- return;
- end
- local ge = "";
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.tvars) do
- ge = ge .. k .. "=" .. v[1] .. "`";
- end
- local t = SH.data.GetOptionTab("Configs") or {};
- t[n] = ge;
- SH.data.SetOptionTab("Configs", t);
- local t = {};
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.tvars) do
- g.table.insert(t, {k, v[1]});
- end
- SH.configs[n] = t;
- me:ChatPrint("Saved config " .. n);
- CList();
- end, function() g.gui.EnableScreenClicker(false); SH.vars.chatting = false; end, "Submit", "Cancel");
- end
- end
- if(menu.iplogpanel) then
- local IPSearch = vgui.Create("DTextEntry", menu.iplogpanel);
- IPSearch:SetPos(0, 0);
- IPSearch:SetSize(250, 20);
- IPSearch:SetEditable(false);
- IPSearch:SetText("Filtered by: " .. (SH.IPSrch ~= "" and SH.IPSrch or "None"));
- local IPEdit = vgui.Create("DButton", menu.iplogpanel);
- IPEdit:SetText("Edit");
- IPEdit:SetPos(252, 0);
- IPEdit:SetSize(52, 20);
- IPEdit.DoClick = function()
- g.gui.EnableScreenClicker(true);
- SH.vars.chatting = true;
- g.Derma_StringRequest("Name Filter", "Enter a name to filter the IP logs with.\nLeave blank for no filter.", SH.IPSrch, function(txt)
- SH.IPSrch = txt;
- SH.BuildIPLogList();
- g.gui.EnableScreenClicker(false);
- SH.vars.chatting = false;
- g.timer.Simple(.01, function() if(not menu.frame) then SH.Menu(); end end);
- end,
- function(txt)
- g.gui.EnableScreenClicker(false); SH.vars.chatting = false;
- g.timer.Simple(.01, function() if(not menu.frame) then SH.Menu(); end end);
- end,
- "Filter", "Cancel");
- end
- local IPLogList = vgui.Create("DListView", menu.iplogpanel);
- IPLogList:SetPos(0, 25);
- IPLogList:SetSize(305, 300);
- IPLogList:SetMultiSelect(false);
- IPLogList:AddColumn("Name");
- IPLogList:AddColumn("IP/Port");
- IPLogList.OnClickLine = function(prnt, line, sel)
- g.SetClipboardText(line:GetValue(2));
- me:ChatPrint("Copied IP to clipboard!");
- end
- function SH.BuildIPLogList()
- IPLogList:Clear();
- local IPLT = {};
- for k, v in g.pairs(g.string.Explode("\n", g.SH_READFILE("iplog.txt"))) do
- if(g.string.find(v, "Player")) then
- if(g.string.find(g.string.lower(v), g.string.lower(SH.IPSrch))) then
- local expl = g.string.Explode(" connected from ", v);
- if(expl and expl[1] and expl[2]) then
- expl[1] = g.string.Replace(expl[1], "Player ", "");
- if(not g.table.HasValue(IPLT, expl[1])) then
- IPLogList:AddLine(expl[1], expl[2]);
- g.table.insert(IPLT, expl[1]);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- SH.BuildIPLogList();
- end
- if(menu.loggerpanel) then
- local FnLogList = vgui.Create("DListView", menu.loggerpanel);
- FnLogList:SetPos(0, 25);
- FnLogList:SetSize(305, 300);
- FnLogList:SetMultiSelect(false);
- local ColTime = FnLogList:AddColumn("Time");
- local ColFn = FnLogList:AddColumn("Function");
- local ColArgs = FnLogList:AddColumn("Arguments");
- local ColStat = FnLogList:AddColumn("Status");
- FnLogList.OnClickLine = function(prnt, line, sel)
- if(g.table.HasValue(SH.fnblock, line:GetValue(2))) then
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.fnblock) do
- if(v == line:GetValue(2)) then
- g.table.remove(SH.fnblock, k);
- me:ChatPrint("Function " .. line:GetValue(2) .. " unblocked.");
- end
- end
- else
- g.table.insert(SH.fnblock, line:GetValue(2));
- me:ChatPrint("Function " .. line:GetValue(2) .. " blocked.");
- end
- end
- ColTime:SetFixedWidth(50);
- ColFn:SetFixedWidth(125);
- ColArgs:SetFixedWidth(65);
- ColStat:SetFixedWidth(50);
- for k, v in g.pairs(SH.fnlogs) do
- local ln = FnLogList:AddLine(v.time, v.func, v.args, v.status);
- ln:SetTooltip("Time: " .. v.time .. "\nFunction: " .. v.func .. "\nArguments: " .. v.args .. "\nStatus: " .. v.status);
- end
- timer.Simple(0, FnLogList.VBar.SetScroll, FnLogList.VBar, 20000000)
- end
- end
- SH:RegisterCommand("+sh_menu", SH.Menu);
- SH:RegisterCommand("-sh_menu", function()
- --SelectedWindow = "Aimbot";
- if(menu.frame) then
- menu.frame:Remove();
- menu = {};
- end
- g.gui.EnableScreenClicker(false);
- local dframe = vgui.Create("DFrame");
- dframe:SetSize(0,0);
- dframe:SetVisible(true);
- dframe:MakePopup();
- g.timer.Simple(.1, function()
- dframe:Remove();
- end);
- end);
- function SH.UpdateMenu()
- --if(SH.GetCVNum("sh_updateversion") < SH.vars.UpdateVersion) then
- if(g.SH_MODVER < 23) then
- --g.RunConsoleCommand(SH.tvars["sh_updateversion"][2], tostring(SH.vars.UpdateVersion));
- local umenu = vgui.Create("DFrame");
- umenu:SetSize(500, 550);
- umenu:SetPos(10, 10);
- umenu:ShowCloseButton(false);
- umenu:SetTitle("SethHack Update");
- umenu:MakePopup();
- local ulabel = vgui.Create("DTextEntry", umenu);
- ulabel:SetPos(10, 25);
- ulabel:SetSize(480, 450);
- ulabel:SetEditable(false);
- ulabel:SetMultiline(true);
- local ubutton = vgui.Create("DButton", umenu);
- ubutton:SetPos(25, 485);
- ubutton:SetSize(450, 50);
- ubutton:SetText("Close");
- function ubutton:DoClick()
- umenu:Remove();
- umenu = nil;
- g.SH_PURECC("exit");
- end
- ulabel:SetText([[
- Hello!
- There's a small update, it fixes a few things with the data saving in the registry.
- Please redownload your injector.
- You will also need to re-make your settings and binds. Sorry, it's unavoidable.
- ]]);
- end
- end
- --[[_CG = nil;
SethHack V4.3 Source Code
Posted by aerika on Sat 26th May 2012 14:07
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