- #define RIGHT 10
- #define LEFT 9
- #define DOWN 8
- #define UP 7
- #define START 6
- #define SELECT 5
- #define B 4
- #define A 3
- #define READY 16 // analog pin 2
- #define GOBTN 17 // analog pin 3
- #define STATUS 14 // analog pin 0
- #define SD_LOAD 18 // analog pin 4
- #include <MsTimer2.h>
- #include "MMC.h"
- volatile unsigned long frame = 0; // This is the frame for which data is currently loaded
- unsigned long movie_length = 0;
- byte buttons1[512];
- byte buttons2[512];
- unsigned long data_amount = 0;
- unsigned long data_count = 0;
- boolean dataRecording = false;
- boolean sd_load_init_done = false;
- boolean nes_init_done = false;
- byte write_me[512];
- byte sd_init_return = 255;
- boolean data_read = false;
- MMC sd_card;
- volatile char next_buttons = 0;
- volatile unsigned long time = 0;
- void latch_pulse()
- {
- // detachInterrupt(0);
- // MsTimer2::stop();
- MsTimer2::start();
- // If the movie is over, disable the bot
- if (frame == movie_length - 1) {
- next_buttons = 0;
- writeButtons();
- detachInterrupt(0);
- // Timer1.stop();
- }
- // After 512 frames, copy in the next chunk of frame data
- if (frame % 512 == 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
- {
- buttons1[i] = buttons2[i];
- }
- }
- // Flash the status led every 5 latches (~6 times a second)
- if (frame % 10 == 0)
- {
- digitalWrite(STATUS, HIGH);
- }
- if (frame % 10 == 5)
- {
- digitalWrite(STATUS, LOW);
- }
- }
- // Write the given button sequence to the shift register
- void writeButtons()
- {
- // Shift out the button information from the data byte
- // and make each pin HIGH or LOW accordingly
- MsTimer2::stop();
- // next_buttons = buttons1[frame % 512];
- char buttons = buttons1[frame % 512];
- buttons = ~buttons;
- digitalWrite(A, buttons & 1);
- buttons = buttons >> 1;
- digitalWrite(B, buttons & 1);
- buttons = buttons >> 1;
- digitalWrite(SELECT, buttons & 1);
- buttons = buttons >> 1;
- digitalWrite(START, buttons & 1);
- buttons = buttons >> 1;
- digitalWrite(UP, buttons & 1);
- buttons = buttons >> 1;
- digitalWrite(DOWN, buttons & 1);
- buttons = buttons >> 1;
- digitalWrite(LEFT, buttons & 1);
- buttons = buttons >> 1;
- digitalWrite(RIGHT, buttons & 1);
- frame++;
- // attachInterrupt(0,latch_pulse, FALLING);
- }
- // Initialize the system to play the NES
- void nes_init()
- {
- // Undo the SD loading initialization if previously completed
- if (sd_load_init_done)
- {
- Serial.end();
- sd_load_init_done = false;
- }
- // All of our simulated buttons need to be outputs
- pinMode(RIGHT, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(LEFT, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(DOWN, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(UP, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(START, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(SELECT, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(B, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(A, OUTPUT);
- // Turn on the ready light
- digitalWrite(READY, HIGH);
- frame = 0;
- movie_length = 0;
- data_read = false;
- MsTimer2::set(14, writeButtons); // 500ms period
- nes_init_done = true;
- }
- // Initialize the system to load the movie onto the SD card
- void sd_load_init()
- {
- if (nes_init_done)
- {
- nes_init_done = false;
- }
- // Setup the serial port
- Serial.begin(115200);
- Serial.flush();
- // Let the computer know we're ready
- Serial.print(sd_init_return,HEX);
- data_count = 0;
- sd_load_init_done = true;
- }
- // General setup
- void setup()
- {
- // Enable the go button pin with a pullup
- pinMode(GOBTN, INPUT);
- digitalWrite(GOBTN, HIGH);
- // Enable the SD loading switch pin with a pullup
- pinMode(SD_LOAD, INPUT);
- digitalWrite(SD_LOAD, HIGH);
- // Enable status LED pin and turn it off
- pinMode(STATUS, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(STATUS, LOW);
- // Enable ready LED pin and turn it off
- pinMode(READY, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(READY, LOW);
- // Make sure the SD card is ready for communication
- delay(10);
- sd_init_return = sd_card.init();
- }
- void loop()
- {
- // We must now decide if we are loading data to the SD card or playing the NES
- switch (digitalRead(SD_LOAD))
- {
- // NES playing mode
- case HIGH:
- // Initialize the NES playing mode if not done already
- if (!nes_init_done)
- {
- nes_init();
- }
- while (digitalRead(GOBTN) == HIGH); // Waiting for the go button to be pressed
- // We are now running, turn off the ready light
- digitalWrite(READY, LOW);
- // Pull out the first block of data which contains the movie length information
- sd_card.read_data(buttons1,0);
- // Convert the ascii characters into an actual number
- for (int i = 0; buttons1[i] != ' '; i++)
- {
- movie_length = movie_length * 10 + buttons1[i] - 48;
- }
- // Pull out the first block of actual button data
- sd_card.read_data(buttons1,512);
- // Write the first set of buttons
- next_buttons = buttons1[0];
- writeButtons();
- // We are now ready to talk to the console, so turn on interrupts
- attachInterrupt(0,latch_pulse, FALLING);
- // Turn on the status LED to announce our readiness
- digitalWrite(STATUS, HIGH);
- // Now would be a good time to turn on the console and watch it go!
- while (true)
- {
- // Buffer the next 512 bytes
- if (frame % 512 == 1 && data_read == false) {
- sd_card.read_data(buttons2,frame+1023);
- data_read = true;
- }
- else
- {
- data_read = false;
- }
- }
- /* Unreachable Code */
- break;
- // SD loading mode
- case LOW:
- // Initialize the loading mode if not done already
- if (!sd_load_init_done) {
- sd_load_init();
- }
- // Wait for data from the computer
- while (Serial.available()>0)
- {
- digitalWrite(READY, HIGH);
- // The computer will first send the length of the video
- if (dataRecording == false)
- {
- char inByte;
- switch (inByte = Serial.read())
- {
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- data_amount = data_amount * 10 + inByte - 48;
- write_me[data_count] = inByte;
- data_count++;
- break;
- case ' ':
- Serial.println(data_amount);
- write_me[data_count] = ' ';
- // Write this movie length as the first block on the SD card
- sd_card.write_data(write_me, 0);
- // We are now ready to record actual button data
- dataRecording = true;
- data_count = 0;
- break;
- default:
- Serial.flush();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Loop until we get all the button data expected
- while (data_count < data_amount)
- {
- // Wait for data
- while (Serial.available() <=0);
- // Read in the data, and store it
- int value = Serial.read();
- write_me[data_count % 512] = value;
- data_count++;
- // When we have a full block, write it to the card
- if (data_count % 512 == 0)
- {
- sd_card.write_data(write_me, data_count);
- }
- }
- // Write the rest of the data to the card
- sd_card.write_data(write_me, data_count - (data_count % 512) + 512);
- }
- // If the computer sent us more data than we were expecting, just ignore it
- if (data_count >= data_amount && dataRecording == true)
- {
- Serial.flush();
- Serial.println("DONE");
- }
- }
- digitalWrite(READY, LOW);
- }
- }
Posted by Anonymous on Sun 20th Feb 2011 21:55
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