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The Stalkers of LoganSperman2, Steve Sedlar & Other Teens
Posted by LoganSperman2 on Sun 24th Jul 2011 03:15
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  1. How disturbed are those who threaten kids and post their photos, names, addresses and phone numbers?
  3. What kind of perverts create websites to post sexual lies and fabricated stories about boys who never hurt anyone?
  5. These websites associated with, supporting, or reposting grabage from sites like 4chan & Encyclopediadramatica are no better than child abusers.
  7. LoganSperman2 is a kid who is being attacked by pedophiles, perverts, and obsessed stalkers. The perverts attacking LoganSperman have been doing this to other kids for several years.
  9. They have a have a sick obsession with Logan and other boys, and even create websites about them full of lies and disturbed fantasies.
  11. Good people must be willing to stand up against hate, racism, and sadistic behavior.
  13. LoganSperman2 is just one kid standing up to hate. Where is everyone else?
  14. Videos about this:
  15. "Internet Stalking: from Madeleine McCann to Steve Sedlar"
  18. "what did i do to u?"

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